Planning For Your January Goals

Here in Northern Virginia, Fall was late to make her appearance but Autumn is here now, and the holiday craze has begun!  Stores are stuffed with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukah and Christmas goodies! Parties, candy dishes, and gifts of food make for endless opportunities to educate with tips and tricks to enjoy life while still making progress.

The holidays are typically the largest economic stimulus for many nations around the world as sales increase dramatically in almost all retail areas. The United States’ retail industry generates trillions of U.S dollars during the holidays and the Christmas season will generate over 20% of retail sales for the entire year.

Planning ahead for your business goals during this time of year is important so that you have a clear and efficient marketing and sales strategy in place. You want to make it easy for potential clients to participate in your programs.

NOW is the time to schedule and start mapping out your marketing strategy for your January offerings so you are prepared to help your clients plan as their 2019 goals come into their focus. Take an hour and map out everything you need to do so you can efficiently and effectively sell your forthcoming program offerings.

Things to consider include: start dates, pricing updates, calls to action in your social media schedule, and any other special programs you might want to offer. Focusing your heaviest sales efforts to the first 3 weeks of December will allow your clients to commit to working with you when their desire to make decisions is high. It will allow you to enjoy your holidays and focus your end of year efforts on making 2019 your best business year yet!

Erin Sanzero

HSN Mentor