Don’t Start at Zero Each Month

 Nutrition Coaching Memberships

I started working at a private practice in 2005. At the time, we offered one option for clients to start: a four-week nutrition package. Clients would sign up, come in for an initial consult then have one follow-up visit. They saw great results, but would they be able to continue after one month?

Even worse, from a business standpoint, I would start at zero clients each month which meant zero income.

The same thing happens with every challenge run at affiliates around the world. Clients start off with a program, they are super excited to make progress, then at the end of the four weeks when the excitement wears, off they revert back to old habits. Even worse, they might reward themselves with a cheat meal which turns into another and another. Before you know it, they are back to where they started.

There are many schools of thought on nutrition and many different ways to lose weight. All of that doesn’t matter if a client can’t keep it off.

It took too many years to realize what our clients really needed to have long-term success. Our clients don’t lose 10 pounds to regain it. They want to lose 50 plus pounds and keep it off for years.

Here’s how you do it:

Set up a phased approach, which includes an initial assessment and plan development THEN ongoing nutrition coaching and support.

Clients need accountability over anything else to be successful. This is provided through support long after an initial month. Set your program up as a membership. Every month, clients come in to reassess their progress and tweak their plan for continued success.

The success leads to motivation to continue. If they aren’t tracking their progress, it’s easy to slip back.

Instead of starting at zero clients each month, set up your business model to incorporate ongoing support. This model allows your clients to see the results they are looking for and you to build a sustainable business that’s not starting at zero each month.