How Liz Grossman, Nutrition Coach & Director Of Nutrition At Whole Strength CrossFit & Nutrition Became A More Confident Nutrition Coach To Help Her Clients Achieve Their Goals By Partnering With HSN Mentoring

As a fitness and nutrition coach, the problem that I was seeing is that clients were not getting the results that they wanted and that missing piece was nutrition.

-Liz Grossman, Nutrition Coach and Director of Nutrition at Whole Strength CrossFit and Nutrition 

Listen To Her Story 👇🏽

Meet Liz Grossman, Nutrition Coach and Director of Nutrition at Whole Strength CrossFit and Nutrition.

Whole Strength CrossFit and Nutrition partnered with HSN Mentoring in 2020 after they realized that nutrition was the missing piece of the puzzle in their CrossFit gym. They realized that their fitness clients were not seeing the results that they were looking for. 

The missing piece was nutrition, along with diving into the holistic approach including lifestyle, sleep, support, and stress management.

HSN Mentoring has helped Liz become a more confident nutrition coach. Liz’s background in social work allows her to support her clients in a unique way.

Since partnering with HSN Mentoring to implement a professional nutrition program in their CrossFit gym, Liz’s clients are more engaged, confident and reaching their goals.

Liz's Favorite Client Win:

Experiencing client wins is one of my favorite things about being a coach! I have so many client wins that have stuck with me throughout the years. One in particular stands out – I have been working with this client for almost a year. She joined our January 2024 28 Day Challenge, and went into ongoing coaching with me afterwards. She had started her health and weight loss journey on her own before joining CrossFit by running and had already experienced amazing progress. She got sober on her own, and started to find what she wanted for herself. As she began her nutrition coaching experience with me, she ditched the scale completely, started to have a better relationship with herself and food, found a love for cooking healthy home made meals, and even got her hormones in check and her cycle more regular. While in the beginning her goals were weight loss and fat loss, she realized a few months in that the healthiest version of herself is NOT the smallest version of herself. It’s the version that is the healthiest, happiest, and strongest version doing the things she loves most. 

How HSN Mentoring Is Helping Liz Become A Better Nutrition Coach

“HSN Mentoring has opened lots of doors for me as a nutrition coach. With the mentoring support, I was able to step in and take over the nutrition program when our previous director moved on to start her family. This allowed me to grow in my confidence as a coach, and gain more skills and knowledge around leading a team and growing our program. Growing our program has also allowed me to mostly just do Nutrition Coaching, which is what I have been striving for.  HSN also opened one of the biggest doors for me personally in the last year. I had the opportunity to join the HSN team Coaching the Coaches Team, and in turn, I have been able to impact more people, and help coaches gain the confidence needed to move forward as they grow their nutrition programs.”

-Liz Grossman, Nutrition Coach & Director Of Nutrition At Whole Strength CrossFit & Nutrition

Don't Reinvent The Wheel When Building A Nutrition Program With HSN Mentoring

HSN Mentoring Will Help You Increase Client

Results, Retention And Revenue.

Building a nutrition program from scratch can feel overwhelming.
Save time and fast-track your ability to launch and scale with HSN Mentoring.

Healthy Steps Nutrition & HSN Mentoring Was Created
By Registered Dietitians And Gym Owners,
For Gym Owners And Coaches.

HSN Mentoring: How It Works

Step 1: Book A Free Call

We want to learn more about you and your program goals to ensure HSN is the right fit for you.

Step 2: Complete The Training

Owner and the coach complete the training including online modules, mentoring calls and coaching to experience the program from a client’s perspective.

Step 3: Launch Your Nutrition Coaching Program

Deepen the connection with your members and make a greater impact to transform the lives of your community.