“HSN Mentoring has provided us with everything we need to keep the journey with our clients strong, engaging and very long lasting.“
-Loui Cavallini Owner at Cow Harbor CrossFit
Listen To His Story 👇🏽
Meet Loui Cavallini, Owner at Cow Harbor CrossFit and a 13-year CrossFit Affiliate Owner who was looking for longevity and member engagement with his clients when he partnered with HSN Mentoring.
Loui partnered with HSN Mentoring only 1 year ago and has already seen the positive impact that the nutrition program is having on his clients, his staff, the community, and the revenue of the gym.
Loui and his team recently completed a 28-day nutrition challenge this Fall and it brought in the most conversions to ongoing coaching clients that they have had so far, their challenge had a 60-80% conversion rate!
Their nutrition program has opened many doors for Cow Harbor CrossFit including creating jobs and a consistent revenue stream for nutrition coaches.
Loui, has an awesome nutrition coach team consisting of coach Kallie and coach Rachel, the two of them working together has been a phenomenal combination. They are nutrition leaders in the gym, they lean on the tools and resources that HSN has provided, they practice what they preach and live the life that they teach.