In this webinar recording, Nicole Aucoin, founder of Healthy Steps Nutrition, and Nick Reyes, Chief Happiness Officer at PushPress, discuss what metrics you should be tracking in your gym. The discuss the brand new nutrition reporting app integration on the PushPress dashboard to make it easy for gym owners to track their nutrition program metrics.
Lastly, Nick and Nicole discuss strategies gym owners can implement to increase the retention of their nutrition clients, grow their nutrition program and build a more resilient business.

Nicole Aucoin, MS, RD, LD/N
Founder Healthy Steps Nutrition, CrossFit HSN & HSN Mentoring
Author of The Basics Of Nutrition Coaching, CrossFit Preferred Nutrition Course
As a CrossFit affiliate owner and Registered Dietitian, Nicole understands what it takes to build a successful nutrition program within a gym.
Nicole believes something as fundamental as nutrition shouldn’t be complicated, which is why she focuses on a simple, habit-based approach when working with clients.
Through HSN Mentoring, Nicole and her team, empower thousands of gym owners and coaches to build successful nutrition programs by teaching the systems and education to coach nutrition using a simple, habit-based approach.

Nick Reyes
Gym Owner, Kansas Athletic Club
Chief Happiness Officer, PushPress
Nick is a gym owner who is passionate about helping fellow gym owners. As the Chief Happiness Officer at PushPress, he ensures all PushPress clients have a world-class client experience.
He has been instrumental in the partnership with HSN Mentoring to leverage the powerful reporting tools that PushPress can deliver to make it easy for gym owners to track their metrics.
PushPress is the only gym management software that was built by gym owners for gym owners.
Topics Discussed:
- Why you need to track your metrics?
- What metrics you need to track?
- How to improve your nutrition metrics?
- How nutrition coaching in your gym will increase your revenue, increase the lifetime value of your clients and help your clients see better results?
- How to leverage the brand new nutrition reporting app on your PushPress dashboard?
Listen for the live Q&A at the end!
For additional FREE help, check out the workbook.
Additional Resources For Gym Owners
Ultimate Nutrition Program Starter Guide: Download HERE
Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast HERE
Black Friday Deals Webinar Replay HERE
In this webinar, Nicole lays out how to package a hybrid membership including a 6-week challenge with nutrition and fitness programming as a Black Friday Deal and most importantly, how to convert clients to continue with nutrition and fitness after your black Friday deal.
Webinar Transcript:
Nicole Aucoin:
Welcome to this webinar today on knowing your metrics. Why is this important? Well, you have to know the health of your business to understand how to improve your business. And there are some super important key metrics that we need to know. So, we want to go through those today, not only to understand what you need to track, but really how to improve those numbers. I want to tell you a story before we start this webinar. I was talking to a gym owner who was super frustrated, she was like, “I don’t know why my program’s not growing. We have this amazing nutrition program.” And she was like, “I just don’t know. Can you jump on a call with me?”
Nicole Aucoin:
So of course, absolutely, I jumped on a call, and we started walking through, “What does your intake process look like? How are you guiding people to get started with both nutrition and fitness?” After training thousands of people how to build successful nutrition business, we know the number one way to grow a nutrition business is to get people bought in on day one so they see those results, you have that time to build that relationship, and help them understand that nutrition coaching is really about accountability and support and they need that well beyond a six-week challenge or a 12-week initial program.
Nicole Aucoin:
And she’s like, “We’re just not getting people signed up for nutrition and fitness.” So, I’m like, “All right. Well, let’s backtrack. Who’s doing these intros? Walk me through an intro. How does this intro go?” She’s like, “Oh, my head coach does the intros.” “Okay. Does your head coach know anything about this nutrition program?” “No. No, that head coach doesn’t it.” Well, of course they’re going to skip over the conversation because they don’t feel comfortable talking about your nutrition program. They don’t want to be asked a question they don’t know the answer to.
Nicole Aucoin:
So she’s like, “You’re right. You’re absolutely right. I need to teach them. Maybe they should be a test client for my nutrition program so they can speak from experience.” So if you are listening to this webinar today, you’re like, “I don’t know why my nutrition program is not growing,” start from the beginning. How are people getting started at your gym? Are you guiding new people to get started with both? And if you’re not, I guarantee it’s not because someone doesn’t want to help you grow your business, it’s probably because they don’t feel comfortable talking about it, and they’re not going to talk about something they don’t feel comfortable talking about, because they don’t want to not know the answer to something, they want to get someone to sign up.
Nicole Aucoin:
They’d rather get someone signed up for a fitness only than really guide them to the best option to help them achieve their goals. So this is a conversation I’ve had many times. I shared one story, but I could probably share 1,000 stories very similar to this thing. So how we figure that out is looking at her metrics. She knew no one was signing up for nutrition and fitness. And if you don’t know your metrics, it is impossible to figure out where you have those holes and how to grow your nutrition program. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Nicole Aucoin, and I’m the founder of Healthy Steps Nutrition, CrossFit HSN, and HSN Mentoring, where we believe something as fundamental as nutrition shouldn’t be complicated.
Nicole Aucoin:
And our mission is to empower gym owners to feel confident talking about nutrition. And most importantly, get everyone on your team speaking the same language so that you guys can grow as a business together. And today, I’m so excited to have Nick from PushPress. We love working with PushPress. We use PushPress at our gym. I have never met a team that is so amazing and quick to respond and just provide amazing service. I’ve never met a team like PushPress. And I love working with all these guys, and we have some really cool things to show you today.
Nicole Aucoin:
But instead of just showing you the app integration, Nick and I were like, “Well, let’s help these guys figure out how to build a more robust nutrition program in their business. So Nick, thank you for coming on today.
Nick Reyes:
Thank you very much. Really appreciate you scheduling this. And this has been a long time coming, like you said. I am super excited to dive into even a lot of the problems that we’ve had at Kansas Athletic Club and to get your expert opinion on what we can do. So I’ll be a bit of a Guinea pig. I think this is going to be really neat to pull back the curtain and show everyone maybe some of our pitfalls and where we could do better. So I’m excited.
Nicole Aucoin:
Awesome. So just so you guys know where we are going today with this webinar, first thing we are going to be talking about is what we should really be tracking. What should you be tracking? What shouldn’t you be tracking? What you can do to improve those numbers? And of course, how to leverage this new app reporting integration. The cool thing is, you do not have to be an HSN Mentoring client to use it. So when we were first creating this, I was on a call with Dan and Nick and I was like, “No, we need to make this available for everybody so that everyone can see how their nutrition program is doing.”
Nicole Aucoin:
And hopefully, empower you guys to make some decisions to help grow it, whether it be any of the free help we have or any of the resources that we can provide you to help. Before we get going with nutrition, I want you guys to understand one thing. I think we all have realized, being shut for COVID, that we have to diversify revenue streams and our group classes can not be the only way that we get revenue in our gym. And I think for most CrossFit gyms, we start off with group classes. Maybe we start off with personal training and group classes, whether it be CrossFit or bootcamps or whatever that looks like.
Nicole Aucoin:
But we’ve got this third bucket, we’ve got this nutrition bucket that most gyms, most businesses can grow exponentially because maybe someone’s not interested in your fitness program, but they would be interested in your nutrition program. Or maybe their goal is to lose weight, and if they combine nutrition and fitness, they’re going to see results faster. So we want to make sure to really understand, where does nutrition fit in? And if we look at the fitness pyramid, nutrition is the foundation. And so many gym owners, if I got paid a dollar every time I heard, “I know nutrition is the foundation, but I skip right over it. I say it’s important, and then we’d go for fitness.”
Nicole Aucoin:
The truth is, you’re doing your clients a disservice because if you’re not talking about nutrition, they’re going to be working their butts off in the gym, thinking that they’re going to see these amazing results, when in reality, at some point they’re not going to see those results they’re looking for. And all of a sudden, your program doesn’t work and they’re going to go try something else. And I don’t want that to happen to you. You have an amazing program at your gym and you have a lot of people you need to help.
Nicole Aucoin:
So here’s a ton of free resources that we have on our website, Grow Your Nutrition Business. They have a podcast, but definitely, I just wanted to put this in perspective of, where does nutrition fit in in a gym? Yesterday we did a Black Friday webinar. And when I spoke, I talked about how to build a six-week nutrition and fitness offering. So if you did not join that webinar yesterday, we’ll put the link in the chat, go ahead and watch the recording so you can actually see what that looks like to build nutrition and fitness together into a Black Friday deal.
Nicole Aucoin:
At the end of the day, I really think it comes down to how you are mapping out your client journey. What are you doing when you first meet a client? How are you talking to them? What questions are you asking? How are you creating this plan? And if your plan just looks like a fitness plan, and then you try to resell them on nutrition later, you’re not going to build as successful of a nutrition program if you were to build it with talking about nutrition and fitness on day one and guiding them to the best option to help them achieve their goals, and really keeping them accountable.
Nicole Aucoin:
So, Nick, I know there’s so much to talk about here, but anything else you want to add? At the end of the day, we’re trying to help you understand, where does nutrition fit into your business?
Nick Reyes:
Yeah. I think when we’re talking about making a plan and how that is involved in the selling process inside your business, one thing that we are in the middle of changing here at Kansas Athletic Club, we’ve got a bootcamp with approximately 80 clients and we’ve got a CrossFit program with 140-ish plus clients. And the selling processes are different, very much, no-sweat intro consultation on the CrossFit side, very much free trial. Come in, try a class on the bootcamp side. The selling processes also present a massive gap for us in that everyone that comes in that does a consultation gets a, what I would call that prescription for success.
Nick Reyes:
It may be three days a week of CrossFit plus nutrition, it may end up being nutrition plus a hybrid membership between CrossFit and the bootcamp. But everyone on the bootcamp side, they don’t get anything with nutrition. It’s exactly what you said, Nicole, they don’t know how to sell it, they’re not comfortable talking about it, and we, obviously talking a little bit here, this is one of our failure points
Nicole Aucoin:
That’s okay, but we can figure that out because we know, where’s our nutrition revenue coming from? And it’s coming from CrossFit. And if it’s not, if you weren’t tracking those numbers, you wouldn’t really be able to tell, “Oh, this is an opportunity for us to train our bootcamp staff to figure out how we could incorporate the nutrition conversation and let people know nutrition and bootcamp is going to be the best option to help them achieve their goals.” I just had a conversation with a gym owner this morning and he just bought an InBody. He’s like, “Nicole, I know I’ve heard you say before doing a scan in a free intro was a good idea, but how do I do that?”
Nicole Aucoin:
I’m like, “It’s a great idea. Test people’s biometrics in your free intro and lay out the expectation of how long it’s going to take them to achieve their goals with nutrition and fitness, and even longer, probably not going to achieve their goals if it’s just fitness.” So if you don’t have a consultative selling process, that’s where we have to start at, because you really have to go and find out your clients’ why. Most people at the service level, they want to lose weight when they come into a gym or they want to fit into a certain pair of clothes. But at the end of the day, why do they want to lose weight? They probably want to feel more confident in their skin.
Nicole Aucoin:
And if you can get to the why and then guide them to the best option to help them achieve their goals and help them become the person they want to become, it’s going to be so much easier to get them to purchase a nutrition and fitness offering. You’re not upselling them, you’re guiding them to the best option to help them achieve those goals. So I think you have to understand that before you start selling because you’re not just selling. I’ve heard so many coaches tell me, “I don’t want to upsell my clients. I don’t want to sell them on something else.”
Nicole Aucoin:
I’m like, “You’re really guiding them to the best option to help them achieve their goals. They want to lose weight. If we’re not talking about nutrition, we’re not going to be helping them achieve those results.” So we understand where we’re going with why we need to do it, but why is it important to actually track the metrics? I think this is something that takes time. Gym owners already are wearing so many hats, but you really have to know what your metrics are to know where you need to improve them. Right?
Nick Reyes:
Yeah. Really hard to make decisions to shift the business into a higher level of profitability or even just to get out of the red if you have no data to base the decisions off of. Right?
Nicole Aucoin:
Absolutely. You don’t know where your opportunities are to grow. We have to look at that. If you’re not looking at your weaknesses and trying to improve those, it’s going to be impossible to build a super successful business. I know for us, one of the things we look at with our nutrition coaches is, especially new ones, how are they doing at retaining their clients? I do not want to start out at zero clients every month, I did that for the first couple of years of starting Healthy Steps Nutrition in 2012.
Nicole Aucoin:
Imagine trying to sell your members, your CrossFit members or fitness members, a membership every single month. Oh well, we’re heading into the holidays and I’m going to go ahead and I’m not going to renew my membership this month because we’re going into the holidays, or, the gym is actually shut down right now, so I’m not going to go ahead and sign back up again. It is the slowest way to grow a business. There’s a book called The Automatic Customer that’s a great book, you should read it. But the idea of building a membership for nutrition so that you’re not having to sell someone every single time they come in is a game changer when building nutrition programs.
Nicole Aucoin:
And if you’re not looking at retention of your nutrition clients after a three-month period or six-month period, maybe you have a coach that just needs help with figuring out how to continue to support her clients or his clients. You have to look at all these numbers to figure out how you can support your coaches. Because hopefully, as a gym owner, you’re not wearing all the hats, you have coaches and you have to help them grow and become better.
Nick Reyes:
Yeah. And on that note, Nicole, if the coaches are successful, they’re going to stick around. How many times do we see posts in Facebook forums in things like, “Looking for a coach. How do you guys find good staff?” You set a staff member up for success by giving them the tools they need to succeed at their job and create a solid living for themselves and they’ll stick around, they won’t go anywhere.
Nicole Aucoin:
And I think that’s a really good point. There’s been so much research on what causes staff to stick around. And when you invest in your staff to increase the education and support them personally and professionally, not just financially, that is one of the biggest things to keep staff around. And helping to invest your coaches to grow professionally is what we’re doing here. We’re figuring out, what are the weak points and how can we help you grow so that you’re an even better coach?
Nicole Aucoin:
And at the end of the day, when you’re helping our clients, when you’re getting them to stick around for longer, they’re going to see better results and your satisfaction as a coach is going to be better because your clients are seeing better results. There’s so many things that go into nutrition coaching. One of the things that Ashley, she’s actually in here putting some links in, she’s our director of nutrition education at HSN. One of the things we’ve been talking a lot about is soft skills. Like, how are you building a relationship with your nutrition clients?
Nicole Aucoin:
And we look at nutrition coaches that are the most effective at retaining their clients, it comes down to these soft skills. It goes so much beyond eat this or don’t that. It’s, how are you really building that relationship? And as coaches, we’re all in this relationship business. Right?
Nick Reyes:
Nicole Aucoin:
So there’s quite a few metrics that you should be tracking for sure. The first most obvious one is leads. How many people are you getting that express interest in your business? And Where are these leads coming from? Do you have referral sources? Do you have a lead capture tool? We’ve just released a healthy holiday guide that many gyms are using, which is awesome. That’s a way to capture leads. Are you nurturing people in an email sequence? Are you emailing people regularly? Are you calling them to action? How are people moving closer to the sale line?
Nicole Aucoin:
Of course, it’s always easier to get your current clients when we’re talking about bootcamp in a few minutes, getting them to upgrade their membership to nutrition and fitness. But when we’re moving people to the sale line, are they hearing about nutrition? And for 99% of gyms that I talk to, they’re not. Well, someone that’s coming in that’s never heard anything about nutrition associated with you or your brand, they’re going to think you’re just trying to sell them on something when you’re trying to get them to buy nutrition and fitness.
Nicole Aucoin:
But if you truly build it into your brand and integrate nutrition into them coming down the funnel, it’s going to be much easier for them to understand how you’re going to help them with nutrition and fitness. I think the biggest thing when we’re talking about metrics is client retention. Those are the real numbers when we look at the integration with PushPress, what we’re talking about. How are you retaining your clients and how are you supporting them? What percentage of revenue is coming from nutrition? So I’m so excited to talk about how all of these numbers play together to build a successful business.
Nick Reyes:
Yeah. Just backtracking to actually where a lot of this came from, we had an industrial psychologist, his name’s Mitch Gold. He’s a member here at Kansas Athletic Club. He ran a survey for us, that’s probably early 2019, on perceived customer value. So I’d asked a handful of questions, and really the end point was trying to identify, where is the drop-off in their mind on the value of our gym, and what can we link that back to? So one of the things that the survey showed us was that there was a decrease in perceived value at about 18 months, and there was another decrease later on like several years later.
Nick Reyes:
So if you can imagine, if you get someone into your gym, let’s say you don’t have a nutrition program. So someone comes into your gym, they’re prescribed fitness. All you’re going to do is CrossFit or bootcamp or whatever. They work out, they lose some weight, and then all of a sudden they plateau. And they thought whenever they started this journey, my goal is to lose 30 pounds. Maybe they got 15 of it just on fitness only, but then you didn’t have an offering. And this was us at the time, didn’t have an offering to help them continue that journey.
Nick Reyes:
It was like, nope, just keep doing fitness. Just keep working out hard. And yeah, we’ll talk about like the food, and you should probably sign up for something else. It was just really a train wreck. It was a disaster. But it tied directly into what their perceived value is. Well, we didn’t decrease their membership rate. So as their membership rate continued or did an increase, but they perceive us as being less valuable to their pocket book. Well, what happens? Well, they churn. And then it’s like, well, where’s the next member? Where’s the next lead. We’ll show why these metrics that Nicole is mentioning are so important is because they can, with data, prove that by adding nutrition, they stick around longer, and they mean more to the business from a financial standpoint.
Nick Reyes:
And obviously, that doesn’t even count the referrals and all the other good stuff that HSN teaches us how to leverage.
Nicole Aucoin:
Such an important thing. And I think most people don’t realize, if I’m not getting my clients to continue to see results, they’re probably not going to stick around. There is something about community and CrossFit, absolutely, but you still have to be able to help your clients deliver the results they’re looking for.
Nick Reyes:
Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Some of these other ones were lifetime value of fitness versus time value of nutrition only. So I’m jumping ahead, Nicole. The lifetime value of a hybrid. If you have fitness and nutrition. What is that lifetime value? So that you can begin to see, hey, when someone only does fitness only, because they churn early, because their revenue isn’t as high towards the business, they’re not going to bring in and affect the bottom line near as much as if they’re sold on both, prescribed to both. It would be the way that I would start referring to that.
Nicole Aucoin:
Absolutely. So when we talk about what metrics we should be tracking, definitely how many leads. And are those leads actually converting to clients booking free intros? And of the people that are booking free intros, how many people are getting signed up for nutrition? How many people are getting signed up for nutrition and fitness? How many people are getting signed up for fitness only? And is it different between coaches? So if you have multiple people doing your free intros, is one person better at getting someone to sign up for hybrid memberships than another person?
Nicole Aucoin:
I can tell you, my husband does a lot of the free intros, and we used to do them together, I don’t do any of them anymore at our gym. It was strange to me because he lives with me, he obviously knows how important nutrition is. He’s been preached to nutrition and I think I’ve brainwashed him now 10 years later. But anytime someone will come in to the gym, I didn’t even give them another option. I was like, “You have to sign up for nutrition and fitness if you want help with us. I’m going to be doing you a disservice if you don’t sign up for both.” So they would sign up for both.
Nicole Aucoin:
But then when he would do the free intros, it was fitness only, fitness only. I’m like, “What is the conversation going on with you versus me? How is this working out?” Well, then he went through our nutrition coach training and actually became a nutrition coach. And then he realized and was so comfortable that he could handle any question at any time of the nutrition program. Now, he has more people signed up for nutrition only than anything else. He calls them on the phone and it’s good, but it came down to just feeling comfortable talking about it.
Nicole Aucoin:
So you have to look at these numbers and also look at, how are they related to who is doing what in your business? Because maybe one person needs a little bit more help. And role playing free intros is a really, really great strategy, even conversions after challenges and goal setting sessions. Everyone has to speak the same language and role playing is a really great strategy to do that. So new leads, new signups for all those different programs. Conversions, ongoing coaching is something that I care so much about. I want to make sure we have a really great conversion rate after the first 12 weeks working with a coach.
Nicole Aucoin:
And when we don’t have that, what’s going on with that coach, and how can we improve the experience so that clients wants to stick around longer. Ashley and I have clients that have been with us for four plus years. I am not sharing anything magical in these sessions with them. It’s more like a counseling session and just keeping them accountable to what they commit to, but they know they can count on us. And at the end of the day, nutrition coaching is accountability and support so that you’re just there as the guide, your client is doing all the work.
Nicole Aucoin:
And then looking at percentage of revenue coming from nutrition. So a gym asked me all the time, “What’s a realistic percentage of revenue that should come from nutrition?” I would expect if you are doing free intros correctly, at least 50% of new people should get signed up with nutrition and fitness. If you’re converting those people to ongoing coaching, it’s not going to happen overnight, but you should at least have 25% of your revenue coming from nutrition. Cool thing is, you’re going to be, we’ll track these numbers with this report if you are a PushPress client. Right?
Nick Reyes:
That’s right.
Nicole Aucoin:
So let’s get into it. I’m super excited to show these numbers, or show you how to get these numbers. I want to first talk about the backend to set this up because Nick, actually, we had to readjust some of the things that we do at our HQ location with how we set up packages and pricing so that it would accurately pull reports. This is our different nutrition packages. All of this revenue comes strictly for nutrition and it’s under nutrition category.
Nicole Aucoin:
One of the things that we had when we had people sign up for a 12-week transformation, so our initial program at our gym, if they were signing up for nutrition and fitness, it was all bundled together into this $379 per month rate and it was in a different category called Hybrid. Well, when we set up that report, it only pulls from one category related to nutrition. So basically, what we had to do was take out the $179, which is the amount that’s allotted for nutrition, and then charge the rest, the $200 per month.
Nicole Aucoin:
We put that towards a fitness membership, a fitness category, so it does count for hybrid, but we want to make sure that all of the money that’s coming in related to nutrition is all under one category.
Nick Reyes:
That’s right. That’s right. Yeah. So making sure that everything is under one category from a programmatic standpoint just made it easier for our team who is coding this to identify that, “Oh, that revenue that we consider nutrition revenue in a gym can’t be spread out everywhere.” That’d be a poor user experience if we deployed that. And I think this is a pretty good clean way to do it. And I know that as we continue to evolve the reporting in PushPress, this is going to be key as well. So, yeah.
Nicole Aucoin:
Awesome. So this is how we set up pricing. You’re probably like, if you’re not an HSN client, wondering, “Okay, how does this work?” I want to break it down into a little bit easier way. So we, the way we do it at HSN is, any individual client starts off with a 12-week program. It’s billed monthly, so they’re already used to monthly coming out for nutrition coaching. I don’t have to like change them into something else after the first 12 weeks. Our prices are $179 per month for the lowest tier package. Most gyms charged between $139 and $179 per month that use our program.
Nicole Aucoin:
After those 12 weeks, it goes down to a little bit lower rate, $79 $109 per month. If you’re doing a challenge, you want to make sure that your program continues after the challenge is over. This is the biggest struggle I see with 99% of CrossFit gyms, and really gyms in generally, they tell me they run challenges and their nutrition program stops at the end of the challenge. It doesn’t have to, just make sure your client journey has the next step that continues to ongoing coaching, and talk about that next step on day one. We have a whole strategy on avoiding the challenge trap.
Nicole Aucoin:
Ashley and I four months ago did a series of podcast episodes on how to set up a successful challenge tiled with challenge trap, but if you know you don’t have a nutrition challenge or a nutrition program beyond a challenge, I would highly recommend you look at that stuff because it will definitely, definitely help you. So we have our challenges billed ones, but then they go into a monthly membership after the challenge is over.
Nicole Aucoin:
You have to understand the context of how we’re getting this report to accurately set up the report on your profile. And if you have any struggles with this and you are in HSN mentoring client book, your next mentoring call with Kayla or Melinda, they will walk you through it and help you because they use PushPress as well. Let’s dive into it. So this is what it’s going to look like when you click Configure, right?
Nick Reyes:
Right. Yep. Petty simple. One drop down and tell us which nutrition plan category is your nutrition. Should it be called nutrition? Maybe called something else, that’s completely fine.
Nicole Aucoin:
So you just click that and then you hit Save, and then from there it’s going to in the bottom right corner, it’s going to say Report, and you just click that button and then it goes to a different screen. Let’s go through what these numbers look like, for every person’s going to be different, but for this one-
Nick Reyes:
So this is us, and total membership revenue is just that. It is what is that recurring membership revenue look like for the current month? How much of that is coming from fitness only? How much of that is nutrition only? And then that hybrid number would be any individual at your gym that has both a nutrition plan on their account and a fitness plan on their accounts. So that’s how we’re going to calculate hybrid. All of these are obviously super important and this is what Nicole goes back to saying as far as what is the percentage of your revenue coming from nutrition. And as you can see here, we are maybe a little lagging on her 50% number.
Nicole Aucoin:
50% of new people should definitely get started, whether they continue after three months or not, it really depends on how you are building your program and how your retention rate is. But the cool thing to me would be you guys have quite a big gym, we could easily see more members converting over upgrading their membership, especially the new year’s right around the corner, people are going to want to lose weight in the new year. You could guide people to upgrade their membership, to nutrition and fitness.
Nicole Aucoin:
And gyms that have been around for a long time like yours, how many past clients do you have that are moved a little bit further away or put their membership on pause? Could they get started with nutrition only? Some gyms I’ve talked to, especially the ones in California where the COVID restricts restrictions are super strict, instead of having members cancel because they’re not coming to your gym or they don’t want to do virtual, could you convert them to nutrition only clients? So that’s exactly what we did when we reopened the gym and we had people that weren’t coming to the gym.
Nicole Aucoin:
No problem, let’s just support you with nutrition, you can do those home workouts and at least you’re getting the support you need so you continue to see some results even if it’s not fitness. So you have a coach to keep you accountable. You got to get creative, and I think with the past eight months as gym owners, we’ve all gotten used to getting super creative, but this is a really good strategy to help boost that nutritional only revenue and save someone instead of canceling their membership, just convert them over to nutrition.
Nicole Aucoin:
So yes, there’s definitely some opportunity here with nutritional only, but I think there’s an even bigger opportunity with getting those bootcampers to upgrade their membership to nutrition and fitness.
Nick Reyes:
That’s right. That’s right. This next one is, what are your total active nutrition memberships? What is the churn in this month from the previous month? And then what is the length of engagement of your nutrition clients? And this goes back to what’s that length of engagement in terms of how many people are staying in that ongoing nutrition program? And so this is another probably area for opportunity for us as a business.
Nicole Aucoin:
One of the things I would say about this length of engagement number is you have to keep in mind… At our HQ, we have two different memberships. We have a membership for the first three months, that’s a little bit more expensive, and then they go to a different membership. So our length of engagement is going to look a little bit lower because it looks like they canceled a nutrition membership and went to a different nutrition membership, right?
Nick Reyes:
Correct. There is maybe some of the workarounds that you could do, but I think in general, that’s just to understand that it’s a little bit lower.
Nicole Aucoin:
I think this is the coolest thing. This out of all of the reports, you can clearly see if someone is on both nutrition and fitness is more valuable to your business.
Nick Reyes:
Yeah. This is the one that should say, what are you doing with the rest of those clients? And all the spots in the funnel that Nicole has been pointing out earlier with conversion, if this doesn’t motivate you to clean up the leaky spots in your sales funnel and make your coaches better at the onboarding and consultative process, if this doesn’t make you want to send out an email to all of your past clients, if this doesn’t make you want to really grow your nutrition business, I don’t know what else will.
Nicole Aucoin:
Yeah. This is huge guys, and I bet for a lot of us, we’d never even realized looking at fitness only versus… I know before this report, we didn’t look at that. We didn’t look at the lifetime value of one package versus another package. And this is just going to help show you, okay, my clients are sticking around longer and they’re seeing better results and their happier. And we all got in this business to help people see results, so if that doesn’t motivate you, I don’t know what will?
Nicole Aucoin:
This is what it looks like all together, when you click that drop down, you pick your nutrition category and then it will cycle over to this when you pull the report. So every month, you can pull the reports and see what those numbers look like. If you’re an HSN mentoring client, we ask you for these numbers every single month, so it’ll just be really easy for you to see those.
Nick Reyes:
Absolutely. And if you guys are ever curious as to how we have arrived and calculated these numbers, there’s those little black info dots there that you can just hover your mouse over, and we basically outlined the formula of how we arrived at that or where that data is coming from.
Nicole Aucoin:
I love it. All right. Let’s talk about some things that we could do to improve numbers. We mentioned, Nick, there’s a huge opera with use specifically, and I think take your bootcamp and put it with everyone else’s, all of their programs, not just bootcamp or one type of program, but making sure your entire staff is on the same page and feels comfortable with your nutrition program so that they can confidently guide people to get started with nutrition and fitness.
Nicole Aucoin:
And I just got off the phone a little bit ago with a new gym who signed up with us, and he said, “Our plainers have all of our coaches be our test clients.” And I love when Jim’s tell me that, because who’s better to talk about a nutrition program than someone that’s been through it themselves, they are your poster children for your nutrition program. They’re standing in front of classes, let them be your poster children and talk about it confidently. So making sure your entire staff is onboard. So if you’re thinking like, I need to grow my nutrition program, number one, outline what your nutrition program looks like.
Nicole Aucoin:
What do you want people to say? If I ask any of my coaches, they’re going to say we use a habit-based approach when coaching clients, and you’re going to work individually with a coach to create a customized plan. And if they don’t say customized or habit based or work individually, they’re missing a piece of the puzzle there. I want people to know that you work one-on-one, you’re not just getting a sheet of paper to follow a meal plan, we provide individualized support for you to help you achieve the results you’re looking to achieve.
Nicole Aucoin:
So making sure your staff’s onboard, but the real thing that can drive your business forward is having a consultative selling process. You have to talk to people when they reach out before there’s a sale, it is so much easier. And I can confidently say this after training thousands of nutrition, coaches, and gym owners and watching their programs grow, the ones that talk to people before there’s a sale, find out their goals and guide people to the best option to help them achieve their goals to nutrition and fitness, are going to grow their nutrition programs faster.
Nicole Aucoin:
And when it comes down to it at our gym, if someone can’t decide between nutrition and fitness, where they only have the money to sign up for one, we’ll get them signed up for nutrition first, because they’re going to see better results, and then they end up coming over to the gym after, it happens more often than not. But you really need to have that consultative selling process, so having that free intro, guiding people to get started with nutrition and fitness and shutting up and letting them come to the realization that they need both, because so many people come to you thinking that fitness is going to solve the problem of their weight loss and help them feel more confident in their skin.
Nicole Aucoin:
And you have to be confident in the fact that yes, I can help you with fitness, but really nutrition and fitness is going to be where you need to reach the goals that you’re looking to achieve.
Nick Reyes:
Yeah. To maybe draw a parallel here, there’s a lot of people who are maybe nervous of public speaking, but I don’t think if you ask anyone to speak in front of a group, if it’s about a video game that you like, it wouldn’t make you nervous, or something about your kids or about your spouse, that wouldn’t make you nervous, you wouldn’t lack confidence to stand in front of a room and have that conversation. If you know it, you’re fine, if you don’t know it, that’s when we begin to get nervous.
Nick Reyes:
So to your point, Nicole, I think a lot of the reason in sales that we would avoid a more consultative, ask questions and feel like we don’t have the confidence is because we don’t know it. But if you immerse yourself in it, you do the role play, then all of a sudden, you can speak in front of any size group and be confident that you can drive home the point and consult someone into whatever that prescription looks like.
Nicole Aucoin:
Absolutely. It’s not only you though, it’s whoever’s doing that selling has to be confident.
Nick Reyes:
Every individual, correct.
Nicole Aucoin:
Yeah. So making sure that you have this map laid out so that you’re guiding people and then making sure you’re going back to what happens before the sale. What happens before that sit down? What are they seeing in regards to nutrition, and do an audit for yourself. Opt-in to your new lead campaign at your business and just see. I did it a few months ago, I’m like, “Well, ours needs to be updated a little bit.” In the middle of COVID, I had changed it all and then it needed to be changed again when we reopened. And sometimes, those little pieces of the puzzle get pushed to the back burner and we forget.
Nicole Aucoin:
So I would highly recommend you just look at your new lead campaign, what are people seeing before they come into your facility? And if they’re not seeing nutrition, add some nutrition in there so that people understand how nutrition is going to help them achieve their goals. At the end of the day, I want to go back to this because it’s so important, you have to help create this plan and have this prescription that you’re guiding people. And if they don’t sign up for nutrition and fitness, that’s okay, that’s not a big deal, but at least you showed them the best option to help them achieve their goals so that when they hit that plateau, you can revisit the conversation and say, “Hey, are you ready to get started with nutrition again?”
Nick Reyes:
Yeah, absolutely. The consultative sales approach is by far the best way because otherwise, when it comes time to actually have them sign up, they will find an excuse. The consultative approach is the one that basically identifies their why and aligns your strengths and your ability to help them accomplish their why. So the only way you can get there is through a consultative approach.
Nicole Aucoin:
And the other thing you want to think about is, when your clients reach a certain goal, what’s next. There has to be another goal on the books, you have to have something else that you’re striving for. So you’re making sure you’re having those goal setting sessions with your members will be a really great strategy to figure out how you can help them. Even if it’s performance, you can fit nutrition in there, nutrition is added to so many things. So I would highly recommend if you don’t do goal setting sessions that you do those with your clients.
Nicole Aucoin:
I’m excited to answer any questions, so put questions in the chat now, and we’ll make sure to get those at the end. If you’re unsure about any of this and all of us is super new, awesome. Thanks for joining today because I love talking about nutrition, obviously, super big passion of mine. We have a podcast, Grow Your Nutrition Business that, I’m maybe a little biased, but we provide so much free help on there every single week. So check out the podcast, it’s available on Stitcher, Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Every single week, there is some free help.
Nicole Aucoin:
And if you’re like, “Hey, I’m great with the free help, but I really don’t have time to reinvent the wheel when it comes to building a nutrition program,” I get it. We definitely have an option for you, quite a few of our clients are on this webinar. So thank you guys for joining, a lot of this was a review that you’ve heard of me say a million times. But we want to save you time so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to nutrition, so marketing content, social media posts, email content, the sales funnels to ensure that nutrition is integrated and making sure that the entire staff is on board.
Nicole Aucoin:
So Nick could essentially bring his entire team to a mentoring call and we can all role play with our mentors to make sure we’re all speaking the same language about nutrition. Client retention, we have an app to manage your nutrition clients that has content coming from us, weekly videos, a way for you to communicate with their clients all in one place because as you grow a nutrition program, you do not want clients texting, Facebook messaging, emailing you, literally impossible to keep track of conversations.
Nicole Aucoin:
That way, I can tell you from experience, it’s not fun and it’s a waste way too much time doing that. And then the cool thing is expansion, so expanding into teams and corporate wellness and restaurant partnering, lots of cool things that you can do with nutrition. I’ve personally found going into corporate companies, doing challenges and nutrition presentations so much easier to start with nutrition than fitness. It’s less intimidating for people, no matter what your skill level is, you can help anyone with nutrition. Some people might be intimidated to come to your CrossFit gym.
Nicole Aucoin:
So that’s a really great way to add an additional revenue stream outside of your gym. So if you are not using our program and are looking for help, it’s super easy to get started. You just book a free call, talk to me, I learn a little bit more about you and you will go through the training process. It is for the owner and a coach, we want to make sure owners are bought into the nutrition program. You’re the leader of your tribe, so you need to make sure what your nutrition program is about, and then you launch your program in as little as four weeks.
Nicole Aucoin:
So pretty quick, 30 hours to go through the training, includes six mentoring calls, then we provide you support long after the training is over. But want to talk about PushPress too?
Nick Reyes:
PushPress was created by gym owners, and we always say by gym owners for gym owners, but really the founding team, and then even everyone that we’ve brought on board, especially in a customer facing role are either current gym owners or past gym owners. So even things like you have a support question, you have a sales question about getting started, you can quite literally have confidence that every individual will have sat in that chair that you guys sit in every single day, gone through all the trials and tribulations of owning a business.
Nick Reyes:
And I think that’s what allows us to understand that user experience for both you, user experience for your staff, and user experience for your member should take priority above everything else. So that’s where we really focus in a lot of our efforts to solve those problems as effectively as possible through years and years of expertise. Go ahead, Nicole.
Nicole Aucoin:
I can definitely tell you guys that PushPress customer service is by far the best and super easy to use. We love the reservation system that you guys have, which makes it really easy for us now that with all these restrictions, we didn’t do reservations before and now it made it easy for us to implement. So we love working with you guys.
Nick Reyes:
Well, thank you. Thank you, really appreciate that. And so we have pricing up here for our website services. We also just so you know, the core side of PushPress, which also has the nutrition metrics app that was powered by HSN, that is a part of our normal core operating system, and it’s included in our free version and the pro version of PushPress. Additionally, we have a Black Friday offer going out to both new clients and existing clients. So for new clients looking to come on board for Black Friday, we’re going to be giving away six months of our pro subscription for $249, which is an insanely solid deal if you’re looking to come on board and PushPress.
Nick Reyes:
And for existing clients, of course, we did not forget about you guys, we have six months of a branded app. So that way, they would be searching for the Kansas Athletic Club App in the App Store and six months of our website services for only $499, which again, is an insane deal, especially when you look at even just the value of putting your brand first and into the forefront of your customer’s mind every single day when they look at their phone. So a couple of awesome offers, link is in the chat in case you guys want to be notified as soon as those are released.
Nicole Aucoin:
Awesome. We had a couple of questions come in, so I’m going to ask or answer those. Kylee said, she’s going back to that 12-week transformation, when I set up those categories and we charge 379 per month for three months, and I broke it down to a 200 charge per month for three months and 179 charge per month for three months, so that we could separate the nutrition versus the fitness category, it’s billed monthly for each and we just bill it on the same day. So it’s one charge that’s coming from them, it’s just two separate membership sent there on, on the same time. Does that make sense, Kylee? Hopefully.
Nicole Aucoin:
The other question that came in, Nick, how do people get the nutrition reporting app?
Nick Reyes:
When you go to apps in PushPress, the same place that you would go to configure payroll or connect to any external app, you will see the nutrition app powered by HSN, they’re in the App Store, click on configure and you’ll see instructions from there. There’s FAQ’s in there, it’s pretty self-explanatory once you’re in the App Store.
Nicole Aucoin:
Awesome. So I got a little bit confused about this. The App Store is actually on the dashboard, so when you log into your PushPress account, you’ll see app on the left hand side, and then once you’ve clicked app, you’ll see a ton of integrations that are really awesome. And if you haven’t used any of those integrations, you should check out and integrate with all the things because I think that’s one thing that you guys do really, really well is integrate with a lot of other things to make the whole system even more powerful.
Nicole Aucoin:
So you’ll go to the App Store and then find HSN Nutrition app, click that, and then you’ll be able to start reporting or grabbing those reports.
Nick Reyes:
Yup. And that is live now, any questions as you guys get set up, you can always reach out to our support team. They love hearing from you guys and I seem to have you guys started trying it out, I have seen some data flowing through it.
Nicole Aucoin:
Love it. Any other questions that have come up? Let’s see. Someone asks, “Will this be live? Is recording be live? Yes, it will be live on our Grow Your Nutrition Business website on the blog, we will put it up within the next probably hour or two, as soon as it processes through Zoom. Where is Nick’s beard? I don’t know.
Nick Reyes:
It’s gone. It went bye-bye for a Halloween costume, John. Laura, awesome. It looks like you set up a call with HSN for next week. That’s cool.
Nicole Aucoin:
Awesome. Cool. We have quite a few. She said she has a dietician on her team. I love it when dieticians use the program, I think that’s absolutely great. Even dieticians still have to build the nutrition business that we did not learn anything about business when we went to school, there is so much trial and error. Same thing with owning a CrossFit gym, you don’t understand how to build a successful gym just because you went through your level one. So having a gym or having our programs that help support your dietician is only going to help them grow the program even faster. So awesome.
Nick Reyes:
Yeah. And I’d echo that too, Laura, would be if I ever had any questions, even things like, what are some emails or best practices for approaching a corporation for nutrition only plan? I would trust that if I log into my HSN account, there’s almost not a question that you can’t think of that Nicole and her team haven’t answered. So many resources, it is amazing.
Nicole Aucoin:
Thank you. Tyler says, he says, “Currently in beta, still waiting for it to go live.” Well, it will be-
Nick Reyes:
It will be live very soon.
Nicole Aucoin:
It will be live.
Nick Reyes:
We’ll get it pushed live.
Nicole Aucoin:
I love it. Heidi says, “I love PushPress through your strong.” Yes, PushPress is amazing. The entire team at PushPress is absolutely amazing.
Nick Reyes:
Thank you, Heidi. Really appreciate that.
Nicole Aucoin:
All right, Tyler. Awesome. Tyler, “I can’t wait until your next mentoring call so you can report all these numbers so easily to us.” Awesome. All right. Guys, well, I think that wraps it up for this webinar on Knowing Your Metrics, we will have the recording live on the website. There’s also some additional free resources and help for you underneath the recording when it goes live on the blog. So check that out. If you are looking to build a nutrition program, reach out to me, I’m happy to help in any way that I can. And absolutely, check out, PushPress, they are amazing.
Nick Reyes:
Thanks guys.