You + Instagram = Client Magnet

Social media posts need to be a handshake, the hello, and an invitation, all in one. There doesn’t necessarily always have to be a sales pitch included. The ultimate goal is to inspire action, which then leads to sales.

I want you to think about your Instagram feed. Does it showcase YOU as a nutrition coach? Are you showing your nutrition expertise through short videos of yourself, healthy nutrition tips you follow, recipes you’ve tried, or meals you’ve personally prepped before a long week ahead?

If you’ve been wondering WHY you’re not booking as many clients or gaining traction and followers from Instagram as you could, it might be time to break out the tripod. Start warming up those cold leads by giving them a glimpse into who YOU are as a person and nutrition coach.

You can hide behind all the amazing results you get for your clients, but unless you’re sharing things about who you are, all the success stories in the world won’t help to grow your bottom line.

The more you open yourself up to people, the more likely they are to…

→  Like you (and hire you)

→  Trust you (and hire you)

→  Relate to you (and you guessed it…hire you!)

Why would someone book your nutrition services instead of someone else’s? The logical answer is because you’re the best at what you do, but the truth is deeper than that. More often than not, it comes down to a connection and trust built through showing your face regularly on social media.

People want to work with someone they feel they know, they like, and they trust. The more authentic and vulnerable you are, the more you’ll inspire an emotional response from your viewers. The more emotional responses you inspire, the more clients you’ll attract.

Don’t forget to SMILE!

Emily Connors

HSN Mentor