How Andrea, Owner Of CrossFit AMROCK Launched and Grew Her Nutrition Program With The Help Of HSN Mentoring

“We realized nutrition was the missing link in our CrossFit affiliate. After reading Nicole’s book Nourish, I knew we had to add HSN Mentoring into our gym. Having the accountability is exactly what our clients were missing, I have been working with some clients for over 2 and half years and they are still with me because of that accountability.”

-Andrea McDowell, Owner & Nutrition Coach at CrossFit AMROCK

Listen To Her Story 👇🏽

Andrea is a 7-year affiliate owner at CrossFit AMROCK who realized that her affiliate was missing an important piece to the puzzle, nutrition coaching.

After reading Nicole’s book Nourish, Andrea partnered with HSN Mentoring to launch and grow her nutrition program. 

Since launching her nutrition program almost 3 years ago, Andrea finds joy in helping her clients navigate obstacles and support lifestyle interventions with nutrition.

HSN Mentoring has not only helped Andrea’s business and clients grow, it has also helped Andrea grow as someone who is very passionate about nutrition.

Andrea still has some of the same clients from when she launched her nutrition program 3 years ago, she credits the program’s accountability.  Andrea and her team currently have 22 ongoing nutrition clients.

Next up, Andrea and her team are kicking off a Hormone Balance Challenge and an Employee Wellness Program!

Andrea's Favorite Client Win:

Seeing her clients accomplish milestones outside the facility walls. It brings her joy to see her members hike a mountain, complete a Spartan race, keep up with grandkids or kids, and improve their health markers. Helping improve someone’s lifestyle for the better and helping them reach their why is incredibly rewarding to Andrea and her team.

How HSN Is Helping Andrea & Her Nutrition Team at CrossFit AMROCK

“We have been able to implement a few Employee Wellness Programs PLUS built a powerful partnership with a local hospital. This has been an amazing connection and relationship to support our local community with lifestyle intervention and more!”

-Andrea McDowell, Owner & Nutrition Coach at CrossFit AMROCK

Don't Reinvent The Wheel When Building A Nutrition Program With HSN Mentoring

HSN Mentoring Will Help You Increase Client

Results, Retention And Revenue.

Building a nutrition program from scratch can feel overwhelming.
Save time and fast-track your ability to launch and scale with HSN Mentoring.

Healthy Steps Nutrition & HSN Mentoring Was Created
By Registered Dietitians And Gym Owners,
For Gym Owners And Coaches.

HSN Mentoring: How It Works

Step 1: Book A Free Call

We want to learn more about you and your program goals to ensure HSN is the right fit for you.

Step 2: Complete The Training

Owner and the coach complete the training including online modules, mentoring calls and coaching to experience the program from a client’s perspective.

Step 3: Launch Your Nutrition Coaching Program

Deepen the connection with your members and make a greater impact to transform the lives of your community.