How HSN Mentoring Works & Why Summer Is A Great Time To Start!

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At HSN Mentoring and Healthy Steps Nutrition, we are aware that many gym owners know nutrition is the missing piece of the puzzle with their members. But the idea and lack of knowledge around starting a nutrition coaching program from scratch is overwhelming, so nutrition coaching remains something that stays missing from the professional services offered by the gym.

Sure they run a nutrition challenge every year, and members see great results, but the success doesn’t stick because there is no ongoing support system after the challenge ends.

Members start going elsewhere or hire a nutrition coach online because they aren’t seeing the results they are looking for. At that point gym owners begin to get serious about offering a nutrition coaching program in house, and they reach out to HSN Mentoring for support.

If you are a gym owner that:

  1. Has had a coach go through an online nutrition certification like Precision Nutrition, but they didn’t have the tools and systems to turn what they learned in the course into a usable format and deliver a professional nutrition coaching program…

  2. Has had a nutrition coach who built a nutrition coaching program, but the coach left and the nutrition program left with the coach…

  3. Has run challenge after challenge, and people see good results, but after the challenge is over, they fall right back into old habits because they don’t have an ongoing program….

  4. Has tried to build a nutrition program from scratch, but feel overwhelmed with 5-10 clients

Then keep reading! This article is for you! We will show you how HSN Mentoring, powered by Healthy Steps Nutrition works to provide a turn key solution to starting a nutrition coaching program.

Kind of like a nutrition business in a box, but customizable to your unique needs as a gym owner.

What Is HSN Mentoring And How Does It Work?

HSN Mentoring is a turn-key solution to build, launch and grow a nutrition coaching program as a gym owner, or independent nutrition coach. We provide the business systems, nutrition coaching certification, and an exclusive app to manage clients, track habits and communicate between visits. Additionally, we provide ongoing support using monthly mentoring calls as a way to keep gym owners and nutrition coaches accountable to building out their programs.

We deliver this ongoing education and resources through an online platform that provides access to hundreds of resources broken down into modules. Modules include resources related to individual coaching and how to help your clients, fully built out marketing and social media templates, sales, fully built out nutrition challenges (multiple versions), HSN app resources and education, and so much more.

Some of the resources we offer include:

  • Professional client handouts or PDF’s for these topics and SO MANY MORE…

    • Recipes & meal ideas

    • Client handbooks

    • How to eat for hormone phases

    • traveling resources

    • alcohol resources

    • Stress management and sleep resources

  • Learn how to grow an employee wellness program

  • Staff meeting templates and training on how to deliver an amazing consistent experience for your clients

How to build partnerships with other businesses in your community

Weekly education is offered to nutrition coaches by our mentoring team live via zoom, and two times per month coaches have the opportunity to speak with our RD’s on these zooms. Every month we provide a webinar on multiple different topics related to the health and wellness space.

Our goal is to set the nutrition business up for success and help nutrition coaches feel confident. It’s very easy to build a nutrition team when all the business systems are set up to hire and train a new coach.

How HSN Mentoring Works

Training can be overwhelming for gym owners so we have broken it down into phases. Each phase has online training modules that end with a coaching call from one of our business mentors. There are over 12 lessons within the online training modules all specific to running a nutrition program following a holistic framework.

Step #1 - Book A Free Call to learn if the HSN Mentoring program is right for you

We want to talk to you to make sure we are a good fit for each other. Our program is centered around a holistic habit based approach. Although we do have clients that count macros, it is not our primary education focus.

We believe so much more goes into nutrition than just counting what needs to be eaten for the day. Providing education around the quality of food, and the factors that go into food choices such as sleep, social circle, stress, exercise, and lifestyle, is extremely important to us.

Step #2 - Sign up, go through the online modules & book your training calls

After each phase of online training, you will have homework to complete

When homework is complete, a call will be booked with a business mentor to answer any questions, check progress and help you learn the systems associated with that phase. You will have seven mentoring calls for training by the time your modules are complete.

Step #3 - Begin the nutrition coaching phase and become an HSN Certified Nutrition Coach

Any coach of the program must go through hands-on practical nutrition coaching with one of the registered dietitians or nutrition coaches on staff with Healthy Steps Nutrition. We call this phase “Coaching The Coaches”

Step #4 - Evaluation

nutrition coach at HSN mentoring sitting down with a client at a desk

All coaches must go through an evaluation before they get their nutrition coaching certification. After passing their evaluation they are free to start coaching clients in the community, or gym.

What's Included With The HSN Mentoring Platform

  • Over 30 hours of training including online modules, homework, and mentoring calls will help the gym owner set up their business to offer nutrition, and train coaches to become nutrition coaches.

  • Three subscriptions to training

    • An owner subscription and two coach subscriptions

  • Instant Access to the training course and marketing materials

  • Seven individual mentoring calls to guide you through each section of the training process

  • Nutrition Coaching; The nutrition coach and owner will go through 6 weeks of nutrition coaching with a registered dietitian or nutrition coach at Healthy Steps Nutrition.

    • This allows for the opportunity to see what coaching is like from a client perspective and how an experienced nutrition professional works behind the scenes.

  • Nutrition Coach Evaluation; The nutrition coach will go through an evaluation led by our HSN HQ Coaching Team to make sure they are ready to see clients.

    This alleviates the evaluation process from being on the gym owner’s plate and allows for them to feel confident the nutrition coach they hired is ready to hit the streets (or gym floor)

  • Become a Certified HSN Nutrition Coach; the nutrition coaching experience, online modules and coaches evaluation train coaches how to become a nutrition coach!

  • Ongoing professional development and support; After the training program in the form of monthly mentoring calls and ongoing training and continuing education.

The HSN Nutrition Coach Certification is recognized by CrossFit, NASM, and AFFA for continuing education credits.

hsn mentoring clients holding fruits and veggies

Get Started With HSN Mentoring And Healthy Steps Nutrition

Our mission at Healthy Steps Nutrition is to help people take control of their health one step at a time to prevent and reverse chronic disease. We believe something as fundamental as nutrition shouldn’t be complicated. This is why we focus on a simple, habit-based approach paired with accountability and support when working with clients.

In order to help people take control of their health, they need to address nutrition, stress management, mindset, daily movement, sleep and support. Our HSN Mentoring program teaches this philosophy to gym owners and coaches all around the world.

Summer Is A Great Time To Start

Summer is a great time to start the HSN Mentoring Training Course! It takes about six weeks to get the program running from top to bottom. That being said, launching with a nutrition challenge is a great way to introduce the program and a new coach.

Starting the program in the summer will allow for the training program to be completed, the nutrition coach trained, and a challenge launched at the beginning of fall, or the year when so many people want to focus on new years resolutions and changing their lives.

If this sounds like something you want to offer to your clients in your gym, its so easy to get started!

The first step is to book a free call, OR sign up for our next Challenge Intensive.

We run these instensives two times per year and the next one is on July 16th, 2024! 

HERE is a link to more information, and to sign up for our next intensive.  

These intensives are from 9am – 4:30pm and take an in depth approach to running a nutrition challenge! 

There will be break out sessions with other participants and education in each area necessary to put together a successful change. 

Joining through the Intensive is a great way to jump start running a challenge to kick off your program!

WATCH & LISTEN: How To Do A Health Check On Your Nutrition ProgramHERE

WATCH & LISTEN: How To Increase Nutrition Revenue In A GymHERE

WATCH & LISTEN: Grow Your Business For Gym Owners With Michael MichalowiczHERE