Nutrition in 2018 Podcast- Nicole & Chris Cooper (TwoBrain Business)

Two years ago, I was introduced to Chris Cooper from TwoBrain Business. He saw a nutrition program I was piloting at another gym and wanted to see if we could expand and help more people implement nutrition.

Since then, I’ve talked to over 500 gym owners and helped hundreds implement nutrition programs. We have developed the gold standards for gyms when implementing nutrition programs. Last year, I wrote a book, Nourish, mapping out how to start and run a nutrition program.

As gym owners, you know nutrition is important. It’s the foundation of the fitness pyramid. In the recent podcast with Greg Glassman and Chris Cooper, he said “If you’re not changing your eating, you’re not doing CrossFit.”

Creating a system and a program beyond “what worked for you” is where most owners have difficulty.

Over the last two years, we have created two courses, spoke at conferences, done live webinars and wrote numerous articles for The CrossFit Journal and Box Pro Magazine. You can see them here.

 We have given affiliates the guidance and support they need to run a nutrition program backed by a Registered Dietitian.

My goal is to provide resources and help gym owners implement nutrition programs. I’m flying to San Diego for a CrossFit Certification Board meeting tomorrow. We have a CEU course on Growing a Nutrition Business coming out in the next 2 weeks.

By implementing nutrition programs, your clients will see the results they want. Your retention will increase and you will have an addition source of revenue.

What are you waiting for?