Today’s guest is Tim Arnold, an author, speaker and thought leader on creating healthy tension. Tim has worked with companies like Toyota, Storybrand, The United Nations and Allstate Insurance to help leaders manage complexity, increase resilience and deliver results through his, “Leading with And” philosophy.
In today’s podcast, Nicole Aucion and Tim Arnold discuss:
– Why leaders should embrace tension instead of avoiding it?
– Some of the most common tensions he sees in business
– How to embrace your bias and find alternative view points to reach a desired outcome through Leading with And
-Common tensions gym owners face and how to navigate them
Tim Arnold is one of the presenters at the Healthy Steps Nutrition Live Workshop held in Nashville, Tennessee on September 16th and 17th, 2022. You can find more details and buy your ticket by clicking HERE.
Learn More About Tim Arnold
Tim Arnold has spent over two decades helping leaders manage complexity, increase resilience, and deliver results, with clients that include The United Nations, Royal Bank of Canada, Allstate Insurance, Compassion International, Toyota, and Siemens. After running both a for-profit business and a homeless shelter, he leverages his real-world experience to help organizations pursue both profit and purpose. Tim’s work focuses on helping leaders unleash the superpower of Both/And thinking in an Either/Or world.
Beyond leadership and team development, Tim is an avid fisherman, world traveller, and really bad hockey player. His biggest accomplishments are being dad to Declan and Avryl, and husband to Becky.

Tim’s Book, Lead with AND: The Secret to Resilience and Results in a Polarized World
Healthy Steps Nutrition Mentoring:
A Turn-Key Solution To Offering A Professional Habit-Based Coaching Program
HSN Mentoring is the largest nutrition mentorship business in the world, helping thousands of gym owners and coaches build successful nutrition programs.

All training and ongoing mentoring is approved for CrossFit CEUs
Register Now For The 2022
Healthy Steps Nutrition Live Workshop
What To Expect:
Learn how to build your business into a house of wellness to promote optimal health and fight chronic disease
Impact more people through employee wellness and partnerships
Breakout sessions led by the experts to provide you with individualized feedback
Workbook to help you apply the information shared and create a clear plan to take action
This event is limited to 200 participants