Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast Episode 127: How To Plan, Launch & Execute A Nutrition Challenge In A Gym

Have you ever come across nutrition challenges on Instagram and Facebook? Maybe scrolling through YouTube, Ads pop up for a 2-month challenge by just eating one source of protein for the entire period. Nutrition challenges are everywhere these days and can be a great way to introduce people to start their nutrition journey or maintain their pre-existing routines in a creative and fun manner. But can gym owners join in on the fun? What are the common mistakes gym owners are to look out for in offering this new type of service?
Lindsay McDonald has a wealth of knowledge as the HSN Mentoring Chief of Staff and the Lead Mentor with extensive experience in planning, launching, and growing nutrition coaching programs. In this episode, we talk about nutrition challenges. These are great introductory services to kick start your nutrition program in a gym. Lindsay shares how to implement a nutrition challenge successfully while not forgetting the most important takeaway from the program which is having clients grow even outside and after the challenges!
What you’ll learn:
  • How to avoid the common pitfalls and mistakes gym owners encounter in nutrition challenges
  • How to position your nutrition challenges
  • How to grow your nutrition programs in your gyms
  • Where to begin your nutrition program after the challenge
  • How to plan, launch, and execute a nutrition challenge
  • How to set your nutrition challenge up for success!

To lock in your spot for the one-day Healthy Steps Nutrition Challenge Training Intensive on August 11th, click HERE. (Attend live or watch the recording)

Are You Looking For Help Building A Professional Nutrition Coaching Program? Book A Free Call at

In This Webinar Recording You Will Learn:

  • How to set up your nutrition coaching program and packages
  • How to find a great fit to run your nutrition coaching program
  • How to integrate nutrition into your gym
  • How to increase buy-in with your existing members

Healthy Steps Nutrition Mentoring:
A Turn-Key Solution To Offering A Professional Habit-Based Coaching Program

HSN Mentoring is the largest nutrition mentorship business in the world, helping thousands of gym owners and coaches build successful nutrition programs.

All training and ongoing mentoring is approved for CrossFit CEUs

Check Out What Gym Owners & Coaches Are Saying About Healthy Steps Nutrition Mentoring

What Gym Owners Are Saying About HSN Mentoring

What Coaches Are Saying About HSN Mentoring

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Additional FREE Help Related To
Building A Nutrition Program In A Gym

  • LISTEN: Inside The Nutrition Program At CrossFit Brighton & How Nutrition Coach, Darcie Helped Brent Lose 100 Pounds HERE
  • LISTEN: How To Build A Nutrition Program Into A CrossFit Gym HERE
  • LISTEN: Nutrition Made Simple Podcast – CrossFit, Nutrition & Your Health HERE