This product is for existing clients looking to add HSN to an additional location or transfer of ownership of an existing HSN membership account. Must be at least 50% owner of the second location.
(Initial Payment: $599+ Prorated amount of $299, Subscription of $299/month will renew on the first of the following month):
– Access to HSN Affiliate Program Facebook page upon completion of training
– Two training calls
– The initial investment includes one subscription to the online course
– Upon completion of the online course and two training calls, the location will graduate to post-launch call support
– The owner or General Manager must be present on training calls
– Access to HSN app and additional modules upon completion of training calls
– New nutrition tips, email content, blog posts & recipes
– 45-minute monthly mentoring call- On-going training for staff
– Monthly educational webinars
– On-going support
This subscription is licensed to one location.
This option is for an active gym running the HSN Program looking to add HSN to an additional location. This initial investment includes one subscription to the online training course. Every coach implementing HSN is required to complete the training course per the license agreement.
This program was not designed or intended for online nutrition coaching. You only have the rights to any HSN material and IP with an active subscription to HSN Mentoring.