4 Tips To Keep Nutrition Client Engagement High During The Holidays!
Gym member, and nutrition client engagement during the holidays is one of the toughest things to navigate as a gym owner. People legitimately get busy with work events, school events, and gathering with friends and family. Instead of relying on their nutrition coaching, and gym membership to help hold them accountable, multiple clients use “this […]
3 Ways To Leverage Community Partnerships When Running A Nutrition Challenge In Your Gym
It’s that time of year when we see a big surge of gyms running nutrition challenges. In our experience of helping thousands of people with their nutrition, there are two times of year when we see gym members making a big push towards getting healthy. During the fall monhts, and at the new year. No […]
How To Increase Nutrition Revenue In A Gym – Part 5: Employee Wellness
Welcome to our blog series on how to increase nutrition coaching revenue in a gym! In part 5 we will discuss all things employee wellness! If you are a gym owner looking to increase revenue in your gym, keep reading. We will show you how offering employee wellness through your nutrition coaching program can bring […]
4 Ways Gym Owners Can Support Their Nutrition Coach
The number one reason why nutrition programs fail is that they don’t have the “right” person as the nutrition coach. As a gym owner, you have a responsibility to support your team, which includes your nutrition coach. Consistently having a staff meeting with your nutrition coach and providing them with the support they need to be […]
Holiday Survival Plan: Tips to prevent weight gain during the toughest time of the year to stay on track!
Did you know??? The average person consumes more than 4,000 calories and 229 calories of fat from a typical Thanksgiving gathering, from appetizers to the main course. The average holiday dinner has about 3,000 calories and between 1,000 to 1,500 extra calories that can be easily added between snacks, side dishes, and drinks. This is […]
Myth Buster Monday: Carbs are BAD!
One thing we hear on a daily basis from our new clients is that carbs are bad. This is a MYTH! Our body needs carbs! Carbs are our body’s main source of fuel and our brains live off carbohydrates. They are an important source of fuel for workouts and every day functions. Some carbs cause more of […]
Fun Fact Friday: Portion Distortion!
You can eat all the right things but in the wrong amounts and not achieve your goals. We have seen hundreds of clients eating “clean” and only the best foods yet they are frustrated because they are not seeing the results they want. What is going wrong? Portion sizes tend to be one of the toughest […]
The Most Rewarding Program at HSN!
Over the years, we have helped hundreds of kids take control of their weight through proper diet and exercise. We have partnered with local pediatricians, pediatric gastroenterologists and pediatric endocrinologists to help them provide a solution for a growing epidemic in the United States: childhood obesity! When working with kids, we design customized plans to […]
3 Tools That Are Life Savers In The Kitchen
Here are the links to buy these tools: 3-Compartment Containers Instant Pot (Crockpot Pressure Cooker) Muffin Tin
Health Benefits of Omega-3s
Did you know that the health benefits of omega-3s go far beyond increasing your HDL aka good cholesterol? Studies link DHA and EPA omega-3s to management of mood disorders, brain health, blood pressure management, ADHD, helping with recovery and muscle recovery after workouts as well as decreased risk for many cancers. Make sure you are […]
5 Nutrition Tips for Crossfit Athletes
How can you ensure that all your hardwork at the box is giving you optimal results? Crossfit athletes push themselves as hard as they can during WODs, but many lack the knowledge about proper nutrition pre and post-workout. Most crossfitters don’t realize that nutrition, hydration and recovery is what enables athletes to have optimal performance. […]
How to Eat In the Zone: Following the Zone Diet
Dr. Sears explains the Zone Diet in an easy to understand manner. The Zone diet is referred to an “anti-inflammatory diet.” Main Points: 2/3 fruits & veggies and 1/3 lean meats Incorporate many different colors on your plate You have flexibility, but balance is key!