A Message From The CEO: 2024 HSN Mentoring Update

Are you curious what HSN Mentoring is doing to help you grow your nutrition program to make a greater impact in your community and empower health?

Check out this video with our CEO, Nicole Aucoin.

Healthy Steps Nutrition is revolutionizing the fitness industry.

Health isn’t found inside a doctor’s office; it’s created inside our gyms by focusing on a holistic approach paired with accountability coaching. 
At Healthy Steps Nutrition, our mission is to help one million people take control of their health one step at a time to prevent and reverse chronic disease. We focus on a habit-based and holistic framework addressing nutrition, sleep, daily movement, mindset, support system, and environment to help people make health a way of life one step at a time.

The HSN Mentoring team is 100% committed to providing you, the gym owners, and coaches with your boots on the ground, the training, tools, and resources to empower health in your community. 

What We've Released In 2024 To Support Gym Owners & Coaches To Empower Health In Their Local Communities:

We’ve invested time, energy, and resources in three major areas of focus to level up our support for gym owners and coaches. 

Coach Development: 

Our dietitians and mentors have created ongoing training opportunities to increase coaches’ confidence. One of the most popular was on gut health. These trainings happen weekly on Mondays, and an educational webinar is held monthly. The mentoring calls are 1:1 time to work on your coaching program and role-play with our team of experts.


Top Trainings: 

Client Engagement: 

The HSN app has received significant updates. Programs now include daily videos and prescheduled messages to encourage client reflection and response. We released a year-long program that includes videos on various aspects of health to further empower clients. 

Business Development: 

Sales training focused on increasing revenue from challenge conversions and free intros. If you aren’t getting at least a 50% conversion from a challenge and 50% of new people signed up for nutrition, watch these trainings and talk to your mentor! 
The gyms that are growing the fastest and making the greatest impact aren’t just serving their members; they are getting into the community and expanding their programs beyond the walls of their gym. We have added new modules on healthcare partnerships and employee wellness.
During the monthly Owner’s Mastermind Project Meetings – owners share their experiences creating partnerships with local businesses, employee wellness, and healthcare professionals. 
Did you know there are doctors, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, chiropractors, mental health professionals, and physical therapists inside the HSN family? These healthcare professionals are leading the way for gym owners like you to partner with local healthcare professionals in your area and serve your community! 


HSN Mentoring Exclusive Training: Building Partnerships With Healthcare Professionals (Must Be Logged Into The Platform)

In Person Events: 

While we love virtual training opportunities to connect with gym owners and coaches worldwide, nothing compares to in-person events. This year, over 150 gym owners and coaches gathered for the Gym Accelerator Summit.
If you are curious about our annual event, which is focused on bridging the gap between fitness and health inside your gym, check out this recap video!
Nicole also spoke at all of the CrossFit Affiliate Summits in the US. These events are FREE for CrossFit Affiliate Owners. For the US CrossFit Summits, we partnered with our friends at Best Hour Of Their Day to host Lunch and Learns on Friday to kick off the weekend. These are FREE to attend.
Will we see you at one of the events through the end of the year?
Here is the upcoming event schedule: 
  • Coaches Congress In London, UK | October 5th & 6th
  • CrossFit Affiliate Summit In New Jersey | October 18th & 19th | Lunch & Learn Registration HERE
  • CrossFit Affiliate Summit In Austin, Texas | November 1st & 2nd | Lunch & Learn Registration HERE
  • CrossFit Affiliate Gathering In London, UK | November 16th & 17th

What's Coming To Continue Our Fight Against Chronic Disease Through A Habit-Based & Holistic Coaching Program:

We are doubling down on the fight against chronic disease and educating on the importance of creating healthy habits for sustainable and lifestyle change while positioning you as the experts to seek 1:1 coaching and accountability. 

Marketing – Driving Leads To You: 

Our goal at Healthy Steps Nutrition HQ isn’t to have one million clients; we aim to send one million people to gym owners and coaches using the HSN framework to empower health in their local communities.
To leverage our authority easily, we’ve created a directory for businesses that are part of the HSN Mentoring family to join.  
To join the directory, coaches must have an active evaluation (within the past year) and participate in ongoing coach development and mentoring. 
There are a few ways we drive people to the directory: 
  1. Nutrition Made Simple Podcast: This is our direct-to-consumer podcast talking about health, bringing on clients, healthcare professionals, and the HSN RD team to share simple and actionable tips. The call to action at the end is to go to the HSN coach directory to find an HSN coach near you. 
  2. Guest On Podcasts: Nicole Aucoin has the opportunity to speak on podcasts about the importance of taking control of your health. The call to action is to visit the HSN directory to find a nutrition coach near you. 
  3. New Book: That’s right! A new book is coming out, and the call to action is to go to the directory to find an HSN coach. 

Highlighting Your Client Stories: 

You have clients who have lost weight, stopped medication, and taken control of their health. We want to know about it! Through a simple form, you can submit their story, and we will share it.

Ensure you go to the announcements section inside the platform to submit your client story. 

For every client story we receive, we will donate $5 to a charity. For Q4, we’ve chosen Compete For A Cure.
Compete For A Cure is a non-profit supporting women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. They offer a Thrive Program that pays for nutrition coaching (through Healthy Steps Nutrition) for breast cancer survivors and their gym membership.


Do you know someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer? Please encourage them to apply for a Thrive scholarship for FREE help!


Are you a gym owner? Consider fundraising for this charity. 
We will share these stories on our social media and blog, linking back to your gym! Make sure you submit your clients’ stories today. 

Continued Coach & Business Development: 

In addition to the monthly educational webinars and weekly live coaching calls, two masterclass options will be available: Kids & Family Nutrition and Hormone Health. This year, we launched the hormone masterclass, which was a huge hit! We are currently revamping the kids’ course to match this format.
I’ve had the opportunity to speak at many events this year and have four more live events planned in October and November. These events are a great way to connect with fellow industry leaders and learn new strategies for scaling your business. 

I hope to see you at an event later this year, AND mark your calendar for THE event of 2025 – The Gym Accelerator Summit in Nashville, Tennessee, April 3rd – 5th. 

As an HSN Mentoring client, you get a FREE ticket. Owners, make sure you claim your ticket today. Tickets are available for purchase, so if you are interested in bringing your team or aren’t yet a part of the HSN family, join us in Nashville.
This event is open to open to the public! If you are a gym owner, manager or coach looking to prioritize health, join us for the Gym Accelerator Summit. 

Presale is live! You can save $150 on tickets and over $300 per night on your room rate when you lock in your ticket now. 

Is Nutrition The Missing Piece Of The Puzzle In Your Business?

HSN Mentoring Will Help You Increase Client

Results, Retention And Revenue.

Building a nutrition program from scratch can feel overwhelming.
Save time and fast-track your ability to launch and scale with HSN Mentoring.

HSN Mentoring: How It Works

Step 1: Book A Free Call

We want to learn more about you and your program goals to ensure HSN is the right fit for you.

Step 2: Complete The Training

Owner and the coach complete the training including online modules, mentoring calls and coaching to experience the program from a client’s perspective.

Step 3: Launch Your Nutrition Coaching Program

Deepen the connection with your members and make a greater impact to transform the lives of your community.