3 Steps To Help Nutrition Coaches Troubleshoot A Clients Weight Loss Plateau

featured weight loss plateau

I am unable to count on both hands the number of times a client has said to me that they have “hit a weight loss plateau”. Or, that their metabolic rate is “stuck” and their metabolism is “messed up”. The fact of the matter is that weight loss plateaus happen. It’s a normal occurrence in […]

Hire A Nutrition Coach For Your Gym! 3 Tips To Help You Get Started.


Our mission at Healthy Steps Nutrition and CrossFit HSN is to help people take control of their health one step at a time so they can reverse and prevent chronic diseases. Out of this mission, Grow Your Nutrition Business was started to give gym and fitness business owners a platform to learn how to run nutrition […]

How To Get Nutrition Clients: 5 Ways To Take Action Today!

How To Get Nutrition Clients Featured

Whether you are an HSN Certified Nutrition Coach, or some other type of nutrition professional looking to grow your nutrition business, your livelihood quite clearly revolves around getting new clients. Learning how to get nutrition clients is going to be one of the most important lessons you will learn. After you get these new clients, […]

3 Hidden Gems Of The HSN Mentoring Program

If you are considering starting a nutrition coaching program in your fitness facility, wellness facility, or as an independent coach, you have come to the right place! Even if you are already running the HSN Mentoring Program, check this article out. Founded by Healthy Steps Nutrition owner, Nicole Aucoin, HSN Mentoring is a turn key […]

Create Accountability As A Nutrition Coach With These 3 Tips!

Featured Create Accountability

As a nutrition coach, one of your primary roles is to create accountability for your clients. The roles and tasks of a nutrition coach run deep regarding client management. We assign habits & action steps, review food pictures, and suggest strategies to help clients reach their goals. But the most important aspect of coaching we cannot overlook […]

4 Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Every Nutrition Coach Should Try in 2023!

Featured Guerrilla marketing ideas

There is no better time than now to get the word out about how proper nutrition can change a life! As obesity levels in the country continue to rise, it is more important than ever as nutrition coaches to speak our minds! Traditional marketing is often times too expensive for the limited budget of small […]

Kickstart Your Nutrition Business In 2023 By Tracking These 5 KPI’s!

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With obesity rates climbing to 36% – 41.9% in the USA, more than ever, we need nutrition coaches to be successful in their nutrition business. We often see nutrition coaches and gym owners running nutrition programs or an online nutrition business struggling to figure out how to maintain their client load in addition to handling […]

Non Scale Victories! Helping Your Clients Recognize Huge Wins!


Non scale victories! What are they and why are they important in a clients weight loss and wellness journey? When people try to lose weight, the first thing they do is step on a scale. As nutrition coaches we know that as much as stepping on the scale can be a motivator for our clients […]

SEO For Gyms & Nutrition Coaches! 4 Steps To Get Started!


SEO for gyms and nutrition coaches is more important than ever. As they day to day tasks take over, many gym owners and nutrition coaches fail to prioritize the actual process it takes to get new members or clients. Relying solely on referrals and walk ins is not a good long term plan. Those eventually […]