Understanding Loans Available to Small Businesses with John Briggs

In this live recording, John Briggs, founder of Incite Tax and Nicole Aucoin discuss the EIBL and PPP loans available to small business owners.  What We Go OVer:  What the loans can be used for? How to apply? What percentages are forgiven? Can you include 1099 employees in the loan application? GET FREE HELP (TEMPLATES […]

Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast: Episode 16 Kayla Pollock with Tri-Cities CrossFit

Gyms around the world are being forced to close their physical location. The leaders in the fitness space are embracing it and moving to a completely virtual platform. Today’s guest is Kayla Pollock from Tri-Cities CrossFit.  Kayla has been using the HSN Mentoring platform to build a comprehensive nutrition program at Tri-Cities CrossFit.  In this […]

Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast: Episode 11 Top 5 Nutrition Myths Busted

Our guest on today’s podcast is our director of Nutrition Education, Ashley Osterman. In this podcast, we discuss the top myths that you might hear as a nutrition coach. The goal of this podcast brings light to these myths and how to respond to these top myths as a nutrition coach.   APPLE PODCASTS SPOTIFY […]

Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast Episode 7: 5 Tips for Healthy Families

Some of my first clients at HSN were kids and teens. Parents frustrated because eating turns into a fight with their kids or parents of athletes looking to skyrocket their teens performance through nutrition. Ashley has worked with many kids over the years and has completely revamped our kids nutrition training course for nutrition coaches […]