4 Ways A Nutrition Program Can Increase Revenue For Your Gym In 2024!

featured nutrition program

As we approach 2024, it’s a great time for gym owners to reflect on where they are currently with their business, and where they want to go. Helping people reach their health goals, and live a healthy lifestyle is why most gym owners started. Along the way they realized they needed to generate revenue if […]

Myth Buster Monday: Carbs are BAD!

One thing we hear on a daily basis from our new clients is that carbs are bad. This is a MYTH! Our body needs carbs! Carbs are our body’s main source of fuel and our brains live off carbohydrates. They are an important source of fuel for workouts and every day functions. Some carbs cause more of […]

Do You Drink Enough?

8 Tips To Drinking More Water (Aim for 80+ ounces per day): Carry a water bottle around with you Get a big cup so you only have to fill it up 2-3 times per day to easily keep track of how much you are drinking Drink out of a straw Flavor your water with fresh […]

Food 4 Fuel: Nutrition for Competition

Food4Fuel: Competition Nutrition I have received many questions recently from crossfit athletes regarding how to eat before and during competitions. When competing multiple events during the course of a day, there are some things that you should keep in mind. You want fuel your body with foods that you can break down and absorb quickly. […]

5 Nutrition Tips for Crossfit Athletes

How can you ensure that all your hardwork at the box is giving you optimal results? Crossfit athletes push themselves as hard as they can during WODs, but many lack the knowledge about proper nutrition pre and post-workout. Most crossfitters don’t realize that nutrition, hydration and recovery is what enables athletes to have optimal performance. […]

What’s Your Motivation?

Living a healthy lifestyle is not something that happens accidentally. It is an intentional way of life that yields many benefits for those who choose to follow that path. Take a moment to reflect on your motivation for following a healthy lifestyle. Ask yourself: What motivates me to be healthy? What benefits will I see […]