CrossFit Tailwinds Partnered With Healthy Steps Nutrition Mentoring To Help Their Clients Fuel Their Minds And Bodies With Nutrition

We realized we needed to focus more on fueling our minds and bodies with nutrition, as a result we connected with HSN Mentoring. HSN shares the same holistic framework as our approach to our clients.

-Dr. Christina Migliara, Owner of CrossFit Tailwinds

Listen To Her Story 👇🏽

Dr. Christina Migliara is a licensed mental health professional and owner of CrossFit Tailwinds.
After incorporating mental health benefits for her clients into her gym, Dr. Christina noticed there was still a piece to the puzzle that was missing.
CrossFit Tailwinds partnered with HSN Mentoring to help their clients fuel their minds and bodies with nutrition. HSN Mentoring shares the same holistic approach and framework that aligns with values of CrossFit Tailwinds.

The MentalFit Course

Healthy Steps Nutrition partnered with Dr. Christina Migliara, a licensed mental health practitioner to release the first ever mental health course for gym owners and coaches.
The MentalFit & Mindset Course aims to bridge the gap between mental health and what happens inside your gym and coaching program.
Course objectives:
  • Understand the fundamentals around mental health, how to recognize when someone needs help, and clarify misconceptions
  • Learn the MentalFit Framework and how it applies to life through the development of a healthy Mental Health Hygiene Routine
  • Understand how to prioritize mental health for yourself, your clients, your staff, and the gym setting
  • Learn how to incorporate mental health into your business to offer a holistic coaching program

In This Webinar Recording You Will Learn:

  • How to set up your nutrition coaching program and packages
  • How to find a great fit to run your nutrition coaching program
  • How to integrate nutrition into your gym
  • How to increase buy-in with your existing members

Are You Looking For A Turn-Key Solution To Offer A Nutrition Coaching Program In-House?

HSN Mentoring is the largest nutrition mentorship business in the world, helping thousands of gym owners and coaches build successful nutrition programs.

All training and ongoing mentoring is approved for CrossFit CEUs