How Melinda North, Nutrition Coach At Portside Fitness Is Impacting Her Community With MentalFit And The MentalFit Reset Challenge

After taking the MentalFit Course, I understood the importance of mindset, how to help myself first then my clients and community within the facility. This gave me the tools I needed to be able to talk to my clients, stay within scope and help make progress with their mindset and feel confident in that path to do so.

-Melinda North, Nutrition Coach at Portside Fitness

Listen To Her Story 👇🏽

Melinda is a fitness, nutrition, and MentalFit coach at Portside Fitness and Nutrition. Portside Fitness and Nutrition has been offering fitness and nutrition coaching to their clients since they partnered with HSN Mentoring in 2018. To better serve her nutrition clients and community, Melinda recently invested in the MentalFit & Mindset Course.

Melinda and her team realized that mindset was the missing component within everything that they were already doing.

Melinda and her team ran a MentalFit Reset Challenge with the plan to have about 10 participants, the challenge reached an overwhelming amount of interest and it ended up with 32 participants!

Portside Fitness and Nutrition is a smaller-scale gym with less than 100 clients, having 32 participants for a challenge is huge!

They ended up working with 50% of the clients within 6 weeks of the challenge ending. They have three that have continued for 8+ months and are going strong!

With the help of HSN Mentoring and the MentalFit & Mindset Course, Portside Fitness & Nutrition is making more of an impact in their community by offering nutrition, fitness and MentalFit & mindset to their clients.

Melinda's Favorite MentalFit Client Win:

My favorite MentalFit win overall was having over 50% of our participants sign up to work with a Mental Health Professional after realizing that mental health is health, and we helped myth bust many stigmas around it. 

How The MentalFit & Mindset Course Is Helping The Community At Portside Fitness

“The course has helped our community because it normalized the conversation around mental health and helped participants see how beneficial the 7 pillars of the MentalFit framework are. They also learned how to identify which pillar they need to lean into based on what is going on in their lives, how they feel, and their reactions. We discuss mindset daily and ways to reframe in our gym community and nutrition coaching program. “

-Melinda North, Nutrition Coach at Portside Fitness
The MentalFit & Mindset Course aims to bridge the gap between mental health and what happens inside your gym and coaching program.
Course objectives:
  • Understand the fundamentals around mental health, how to recognize when someone needs help, and clarify misconceptions
  • Learn the MentalFit Framework and how it applies to life through the development of a healthy Mental Health Hygiene Routine
  • Understand how to prioritize mental health for yourself, your clients, your staff, and the gym setting
  • Learn how to incorporate mental health into your business to offer a holistic coaching program

Don't Reinvent The Wheel When Building A Nutrition Program With HSN Mentoring

HSN Mentoring Will Help You Increase Client

Results, Retention And Revenue.

Building a nutrition program from scratch can feel overwhelming.
Save time and fast-track your ability to launch and scale with HSN Mentoring.

Healthy Steps Nutrition & HSN Mentoring Was Created
By Registered Dietitians And Gym Owners,
For Gym Owners And Coaches.

HSN Mentoring: How It Works

Step 1: Book A Free Call

We want to learn more about you and your program goals to ensure HSN is the right fit for you.

Step 2: Complete The Training

Owner and the coach complete the training including online modules, mentoring calls and coaching to experience the program from a client’s perspective.

Step 3: Launch Your Nutrition Coaching Program

Deepen the connection with your members and make a greater impact to transform the lives of your community.