Are You Missing The Boat? Why You Need To Offer Hybrid Memberships in Your Micro Gym.
Have you heard the buzz about hybrid memberships and are wondering what all the fuss is about? Today, I’m going to explain what hybrid memberships are and why you need to implement them into your business. Hybrid memberships are the most effective way to grow a nutrition program. Why? Because it’s easy for clients to […]
3 Ways to Increase Engagement During Your Nutrition Challenge
It’s January! It’s the one time of year that the majority of gyms are talking about nutrition. The majority of gyms are planning to launch a nutrition challenge in January. Challenges are a great way to kickstart your client’s journey to health, but they aren’t a long-term solution. They aren’t a solution at all. The […]
Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast: Episode 4 Conversion After Nutrition Challenges
Every gym is running a challenge in January, which is a great way to kickstart a program. The problem is most gyms stop the conversation of nutrition after the challenge is over. In this podcast, Lindsay and Nicole discuss 3 ways to increase conversion to ongoing coaching after a challenge is over. If you are […]