5 Tips For A Nutrition Coach In A Gym To Prioritize Time Management

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In the fast-paced world of nutrition and wellness coaching, effective time management is not just a luxury but a necessity. Juggling client check-ins and the roles and tasks associated with being a nutrition and possibly a fitness coach requires a strategic approach to ensure that your efforts translate into tangible success. If you’ve ever found […]

5 Relatable Content Ideas For Your Nutrition Business!

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Welcome to the world of nutrition coaching in the fitness industry, where building connections with your audience is as crucial as providing excellent client care. One BIG way to do that is to use gym social media. In the realm of social media and online presence, coming up with content ideas that are relatable and […]

3 Tips To Leverage The CrossFit Open As A Gym Owner With A Nutrition Coaching Program

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The CrossFit® Open, a thrilling annual event in the fitness world, brings an electrifying atmosphere to gyms around the globe. The Open consists of three separate workouts spaced one week apart and marks the beginning of the CrossFit Games season. As gym members eagerly anticipate the challenge, camaraderie fills the air, creating an exciting buzz […]

7 Soft Skills Your Nutrition Coaches Need!

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Does the nutrition coach running your nutrition business have “soft skills”? Being a successful nutrition coach requires more than just knowledge of nutrition science and writing meal plans. Effective nutrition coaching involves a combination of both internal and external qualities or skills, and a genuine commitment to helping clients achieve their health and wellness goals. […]

3 Ways To Get More Clients For Your Gyms Nutrition Business!


Are you a gym owner or nutrition coach wanting to get more clients for your nutrition business? If so this blog post is for you! As nutrition coaches and gym owners, we aim to help as many people as possible live a long and healthy life. To do that we need to have a consistent […]

Want To Grow Your Nutrition Program? Consistency Is Key With These 3 Things!

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As 2024 approaches, the Healthy Steps Nutrition mentoring team highly suggests gym owners and nutrition coaches should set goals and look to improve their systems heading into the new year. Oftentimes, we see gyms have an amazing plan, but they forget to outline the action steps that will help them get there. Furthermore, they lose […]

Elevate Your Nutrition Program’s Member Experience With These 3 Tips!


The nutrition program and gym member experience are crucial for several reasons, and they play a significant role in the success and sustainability of your facility. As gym owners, it’s not enough to just “be good.” There is so much competition out there that just checking the boxes regarding the experience your clients have when […]