HSN Mentoring Client Spotlight: Impact Athletic Performance

Meet Scott and Autumn from Impact!

This team has skyrocketed with signups for their challenge and many of which are NOT current members.

What successes have you experienced with your nutrition program?

Hearing from our athletes on how their energy has increased and no longer feeling fatigued during the day, and they feel and notice a difference in their strength during classes - always brings a positive impact when they are able to increase their workout weights. Our athletes love accountability and finding support, not just within myself & Scott, but also finding friends that are on the same nutrition & lifestyle journey. I always love hearing from my athletes that even if the scale number doesn't change, they can physically feel and see a difference within them by their clothing, and their mental confidence within themselves.

How did you get so many people in the community to sign up for your upcoming challenge?

Our Six Week Nutrition Challenge started on July 19th. We did a lot of social media & email content to boost promotion on our nutrition challenge. With that, our athletes & friends within the community shared our posts to help spread the word. Also, had some tell me they heard about the challenge being on the Discover Muscatine Today Show at Hyvee. Using Instagram, not only making image posts, but also REELS (they are so fun to make!) when advertising for our challenge - it captures the audience stronger than a single post.

How has adding nutrition coaching to your facility affected your gym?

It's created a strong impact (again no pun intended) at our gym, I love seeing our athletes take a look at our nutrition board that is updated monthly, they are becoming more aware on how to take care of their body for workouts, hearing them try out the recipes that are sent out monthly and now some are taking part in our nutrition challenge and noticeably seeing and feeling a difference - physically and mentally changing over time.

If you could give advice to a gym owner or nutrition coach running a nutrition program what would it be?

Hold your athletes accountable, and be their number one support/accountability partner. If fitness & nutrition coaching is new, or they feel out of their element, being there not just virtually, but also in person as a coach will help them continue forward. I have learned in the past ten months to never sugar coat or let something even the smallest slip by, or the athlete will not learn from that situation and continue to do their own thing. More importantly, not only focus on the nutrition & exercise part of their lives, but also their self care & lifestyle - it's an equal balance of each area.

Where do you see the program in 3 months? 

In three months, I would like to see myself working with local businesses here in Muscatine doing more nutrition talks with their employees, to increase the importance of a healthier and happier lifestyle by focusing on simple habits. My goal for the challenge is to convert 50% of the challenge athletes over to on-going nutrition and to boost more hybrid athletes. In November, I will be doing monthly nutrition talks at our local country club & Scott is doing private golf assessments for members there too.

Tell us more about your partnership with the local grocery store and what helped you to establish that partnership?

Currently Scott & I do bi-weekly fitness & nutrition talks on the Muscatine Today show at Hyvee for Wellness Wednesdays. The show can be found on Facebook, You Tube & local Muscatine channel. My goal within the next 6 months is to talk to the Hyvee Dietitian about creating balanced meals for lunches for quick grab n' go situations. 
 I am very thankful for our local community & being a part of something that creates happier and healthier memories for our community. Scott & I are on the Walk to End Alzheimer's Association and will also have a booth set up providing bottle waters, protein balls and having our nutrition information available for walkers.

FREE Help Related To
Building A Nutrition Program In A Gym

  • READ: How To Recoup Cost Of Your Initial Investment With HSN Mentoring In Under 30-Days HERE
  • LISTEN: How To Build A Nutrition Program Into A CrossFit Gym HERE
  • LISTEN: Nutrition Made Simple Podcast – CrossFit, Nutrition & Your Health HERE
  • HSN Mentoring Gym Owner Highlight: Meet Nikki Graham, Owner of Graham Strength & Conditioning, How Nikki Graham, A Gym Owner, Built A Thriving Nutrition Program & What Her Clients Say About It HERE

Free Course: Building A Nutrition Program Into A Gym

Earn Three CrossFit CEUs By Taking This Nutrition Course

Did you know that HSN Mentoring has a turn-key solution for gym owners to build a nutrition program in-house?

HSN Mentoring is the largest nutrition mentorship business in the world, helping thousands of gym owners and coaches build successful nutrition programs.

All training and ongoing mentoring is approved for CrossFit CEUs