Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast Episode 49: The Most Important Skill To Becoming An Effective Nutrition Coach
If I told you that 70-80% of your professional success in life is related to one skill that had nothing to do with your actual profession, would you believe me? Today, Ashley and I discuss one skill that makes good nutrition coaches become great nutrition coaches and truly make a difference in someone’s life. It’s […]
Nutrition Program Updates With HSN Mentoring: November 9th
Save time and don’t reinvent the wheel when building and growing a nutrition program in a gym. Leverage all of the tools and resources provided by HSN Mentoring. Program Updates Upcoming Education Weekly Round Table *Members Only*, Every Monday at 1pm EST Family Nutrition Webinar *Members Only*, November 12th at 1pm EST New Resources *MEMBERS […]
Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast Episode 48: How To Increase Engagement Of Your Nutrition Program With Existing Members
Today, Ashley and I are discussing how to increase buy-in from existing members of your gym. At least once a day, I’m asked on a free call by a Crossfit Gym owner, “How do I get my existing members bought in?” Here’s the deal; it doesn’t happen overnight, but if you do the five things […]
Know Your Metrics: Tracking Nutrition & Fitness Metrics In A Gym
In this webinar recording, Nicole Aucoin, founder of Healthy Steps Nutrition, and Nick Reyes, Chief Happiness Officer at PushPress, discuss what metrics you should be tracking in your gym. The discuss the brand new nutrition reporting app integration on the PushPress dashboard to make it easy for gym owners to track their nutrition program metrics. […]
Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast Episode 47: Relaunching Your Nutrition Program With Confidence
Stephanie and Turner are the owners of Mountain Made Fitness Collective. After taking a break from HSN Mentoring for a few years, they recently returned and are relaunching their nutrition program. In this episode, we talk about the value of having a streamlined system to manage your nutrition clients and what you should be thinking […]
Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast Episode 46: 4 Steps For Getting Your First Nutrition Client
This week, Ashley Osterman and Nicole Aucoin answer the most common question from new nutrition coaches, “How do I get my first nutrition client?” While there are many things you can do, we have simplified the process into a four-step plan. If you follow these steps, you will attract your ideal clients and start changing […]
Chronic Disease Webinar & Panel Discussion
In this webinar recording, Dr. Julie Foucher, Nicole Aucoin, Dr. Shakha Gillin and Karen Thomson start a discussion about chronic disease, nutrition, fitness, prevention and what CrossFit affiliate owners can do to promote wellness in their affiliates. MEET THE PANEL Nicole Aucoin, MS RD Founder Healthy Steps Nutrition, CrossFit HSN & HSN Mentoring NUTRITION COACHING […]
Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast Episode 45: Providing Exceptional Service To Build Brand Advocates
Today, we have Nick Reyes on the podcast. He is a gym owner and the Chief Happiness Officer at PushPress. Topics discussed: Why you need to build brand advocates How to build brand advocates The power of moments HSN has partnered with PushPress to create an amazing Nutrition App to help PushPress clients easily […]
FREE Webinar: Know Your Metrics Powered By PushPress
DIRECT LINK TO REGISTER The HSN Mentoring Framework focuses on four pillars to grow a successful nutrition program within a gym: marketing, sales, retention and expansion. How is your business doing in these four pillars? TAKE THE MRI NOW
Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast Episode 44: 4 Tips For Owner Involvement With Nutrition Programs
Owner involvement with a nutrition program is vital to its success. While owners do not need to be running the day to day operations, ensuring a consistent message that nutrition is a priority starts at the top. In today’s episode, Ashley Osterman & Nicole Aucoin discuss four ways owners need to be involved with nutrition […]
Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast Episode 43: Using A Systemized Approach To Help More People with CrossFit Lah
Today’s guests on the podcast are Jim and Kerianne, the owners of CrossFit Lah in Malaysia. They offered nutrition in their business before joining HSN. Kerrianne graduated from the Precision Nutrition Certification but struggled to create together the systems to streamline their nutrition program. Systems are essential to scale a nutrition program. Listen to their […]
Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast Episode 42: How To Integrate Motivational Interviewing With Nutrition Coaching
In today’s podcast, Ashley and Nicole discuss motivational interviewing. As coaches, we are in the relationship business and by utilizing motivational interviewing techniques, we can deepen the relationship with our clients. In this episode, we discuss: The types of questions you should be asking during client consultations Assessing your listening skills Ensuring accurate interpretation of […]