Episode 137: The Story Behind NCFIT & Tips From Founder, Jason Khalipa

Jason Khalipa is the founder of NCFIT, a global fitness company with brick-and-mortar locations, corporate wellness, and digital services. He is a 3x Team USA CrossFit member and CrossFit Games Champion. A Pediatric Cancer Advocate after his daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia in 2016, host of the Effort Over Everything Podcast, and BJJ Purple Belt. […]

Episode 136: How To Build An Ongoing Nutrition Coaching Program In A Gym

Nutrition is fundamental to helping your clients become the best and healthiest version of themselves. However, most gym owners don’t know where to start or reinvent the wheel when it comes to building a nutrition coaching program.  In today’s episode, Nicole Aucoin, founder of Healthy Steps Nutrition, CrossFit HSN, and HSN Mentoring, expounds on how to build an […]

Episode 135: How To Increase Your SEO Part 2: Tips For Gym Owners

As a gym owner, you have to be relevant online. Let people know whatever problem you’re solving, how you can help them and how they can easily find you based on their location. Besides, upgrading your system enables you to make more money and attract clients. On today’s episode, Heather Kiddoo joins us on the […]

Episode 134: How To Increase Your SEO Part 1: Tips For Gym Owners

As a gym owner, you want to make sure your establishment is easily found online. After all, potential customers are searching for gyms in their area all the time. There are a few things you can do to increase your SEO and get more traffic to your website. In this episode, we have Heather Kiddoo, […]

Increase Nutrition Challenge Engagement With These 5 Tips!

dietitians at HSN holding a banana in front of face

As we head into “the season”, gym owners and nutrition coaches around the world are prepping for the time of year when our clients are most motivated to make a change in their health and wellness. If the nutrition challenges you have run in the past are anything like the ones I have run, then […]