MentalFit and Mindset Course Updates With Dr. Christina Migliara
The MentalFit and Mindset Course was created in collaboration with Dr. Christina Migliara, Founder of MentalFit & Nicole Aucoin, Founder Of Healthy Steps Nutrition. In the MentalFit and Mindset Course, you will learn how to prioritize Mental Health for yourself, and your clients inside your gym. Gain a deeper understanding of Mental Health Learn how […]
The Top 3 Ways To Increase Your Gym’s Nutrition Program Sign Ups
As gym owners we know that we need to eat more whole foods and less junk in order to live a healthier lifestyle. For the most part, we have a much easier time doing this than the general public. One significant hurdle is the pervasive misinformation and misconceptions surrounding nutrition our members are constantly bombarded […]
From Me To We! 3 Strategies For A Gym Owner To Align Coaches With Their Vision And Mission
As a gym owner, building a thriving gym community goes beyond top-notch equipment, trendy workouts, and a fancy Inbody machine. It hinges on a crucial element: a team that’s fully aligned with your vision and mission. But even the most passionate gym owner can face a frustrating reality – their team, despite their best efforts, […]
Pitch Perfect! The Impact of Crafting an Effective Elevator Pitch For Your Nutrition Business
Gym owners continually seek innovative approaches to market their services effectively in the fast-paced and competitive fitness and nutrition world. One often overlooked potent tool in their arsenal is the art of the elevator pitch. In this blog post, we will explore what an elevator pitch is, why it is crucial for gym owners selling […]
4 Tips To Keep Nutrition Client Engagement High During The Holidays!
Gym member, and nutrition client engagement during the holidays is one of the toughest things to navigate as a gym owner. People legitimately get busy with work events, school events, and gathering with friends and family. Instead of relying on their nutrition coaching, and gym membership to help hold them accountable, multiple clients use “this […]
15 Reasons Your Gym’s Nutrition Program Revenue Is Not Growing
If you are a gym owner looking to increase your gym’s nutrition program revenue, then this article is for you! Running a nutrition program in a gym is an exciting endeavor, but behind the scenes, gym owners and coaches often find themselves overwhelmed with daily tasks. The demanding nature of this business can make it […]
Top 5 Reasons To Attend An In-Person Business Event As A Gym Owner
When was the last time you spent a weekend working on your business with leaders in the industry and peers? Every year, Healthy Steps Nutrition focuses on three big initiatives to move the mission and vision forward. For the past two years, one of these initiatives is intentional opportunities for gym owners and […]
3 Tips To Increase Buy-In With A Nutrition Coaching Program In A Gym
Are you looking to increase participation in your nutrition coaching program with members in your gym? Maybe you launched a nutrition program after your gym has been open or maybe your members signed up for a gym membership without nutrition? In order for your clients to see the results they are looking for, nutrition needs […]
3 Tips To Help You Price And Package Nutrition Coaching Programs In A Gym
Figuring out how to price and package nutrition coaching programs is challenging. The #1 question we get asked from gym owners is, “What should I charge for nutrition coaching?” When adding nutrition coaching to your gym, you need to determine what your nutrition coaching packages will look like. One of the first training calls in […]
Holiday Survival Plan: Tips to prevent weight gain during the toughest time of the year to stay on track!
Did you know??? The average person consumes more than 4,000 calories and 229 calories of fat from a typical Thanksgiving gathering, from appetizers to the main course. The average holiday dinner has about 3,000 calories and between 1,000 to 1,500 extra calories that can be easily added between snacks, side dishes, and drinks. This is […]
Myth Buster Monday: Carbs are BAD!
One thing we hear on a daily basis from our new clients is that carbs are bad. This is a MYTH! Our body needs carbs! Carbs are our body’s main source of fuel and our brains live off carbohydrates. They are an important source of fuel for workouts and every day functions. Some carbs cause more of […]
Fun Fact Friday: Portion Distortion!
You can eat all the right things but in the wrong amounts and not achieve your goals. We have seen hundreds of clients eating “clean” and only the best foods yet they are frustrated because they are not seeing the results they want. What is going wrong? Portion sizes tend to be one of the toughest […]