Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast: Episode 16 Kayla Pollock with Tri-Cities CrossFit

Gyms around the world are being forced to close their physical location. The leaders in the fitness space are embracing it and moving to a completely virtual platform. Today’s guest is Kayla Pollock from Tri-Cities CrossFit.  Kayla has been using the HSN Mentoring platform to build a comprehensive nutrition program at Tri-Cities CrossFit.  In this […]


You are busy making critical decisions in your business and we want to help! I started hosting *MEMBERS ONLY* Daily Live Round Tables on Monday. The conversation has changed every day from maybe I will close to I’m being forced to close my gym and need a plan right this second. We’ve helped gyms map out a […]

Nutrition Laws and Coaching

Many gyms are moving their business online, which is great. We need to pivot and provide our clients with exceptional service if you want to keep your clients from pausing and dropping their memberships. CrossFit HSN HQ closed down on Monday, not one person asked to cancel or pause their gym membership. Why? We had […]

Coronavirus & Strategies You Need to Implement to Maintain Support In Your Gym

There have been lots of emails and questions lately from gym owners asking, “Coronavirus is here, what should I do?” No matter what your situation is, you are in the relationship business, and your members need to know that their concerns are heard, and you are there for them! I’m going to break this down […]

Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast: Episode 13 Achieve More By Doing Less

Do you have workdays that you finish and think “What did I actually get done today?” As an entrepreneur, it is so easy to get overwhelmed by a neverending to-do list. The problem is distraction can derail your progress to achieving your goals. You really need a way to stay hyper-focused and not get distracted by […]

Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast: Episode 11 Top 5 Nutrition Myths Busted

Our guest on today’s podcast is our director of Nutrition Education, Ashley Osterman. In this podcast, we discuss the top myths that you might hear as a nutrition coach. The goal of this podcast brings light to these myths and how to respond to these top myths as a nutrition coach.   APPLE PODCASTS SPOTIFY […]

How to Build Hybrid Memberships In 3 Easy Steps

If you haven’t jumped on the hybrid memberships train, you need to because you are already missing out on massive amounts of business and revenue.  If you aren’t sure what hybrid memberships are, here’s a quick recap. Hybrid memberships mean that you have packaged programs together to make it easy for your clients to enroll […]