4 Ways A Nutrition Program Can Increase Revenue For Your Gym In 2024!
As we approach 2024, it’s a great time for gym owners to reflect on where they are currently with their business, and where they want to go. Helping people reach their health goals, and live a healthy lifestyle is why most gym owners started. Along the way they realized they needed to generate revenue if […]
Podcast Episode 175: Best Practices When Running A Nutrition Challenge In A CrossFit Gym
Are you planning to run a nutrition challenge in New Year in your gym or CrossFit affiliate? During this episode, Nicole Aucoin, founder of Healthy Steps Nutrition, discusses best practices when running a nutrition challenge in a gym. Nicole has helped thousands of gym owners launch nutrition challenges to kickstart an ongoing nutrition program. In […]
Podcast Episode 174: Inside Girls Gone RX & Compete For A Cure: Breast Cancer Foundation
In this episode, Nicole Aucoin welcomes Lindsey Marcelli, the founder of Girls Gone RX and Compete for a Cure, to discuss their efforts to support breast cancer survivors. Lindsey shares her journey of starting Girls Gone RX in 2012 as a way to combine fitness and fundraising for breast cancer charities. Over the years, they’ve […]
Podcast Episode 173: Launching Nutrition Coaching at CrossFit 696 With 100 Clients In 90 Days
In this episode, Chris and Matt, the owners of CrossFit 696, share their inspiring journey and passion for health and wellness, underlining the evolution of their nutrition program. Their story begins with a personal drive to overcome childhood insecurities related to weight, which ultimately fueled their desire to make a difference in their own lives […]
Podcast Episode 172: Inside The Small Town Strong Documentary: Changing The Way We See & Respond To Addiction
In this episode, Nicole Aucoin interviews Dale King, a CrossFit affiliate owner, about his impactful journey using CrossFit to aid individuals battling opioid addiction. Dale shares insights into his documentary, “Small Town Strong,” which addresses addiction’s challenges and offers solutions. He delves into how pharmaceutical companies misled doctors, contributing to the opioid crisis, and highlights […]
Podcast Episode 171: Turning Pain Into Purpose: Karen Thomson & Revitafest
What You’ll learn: Addiction and Recovery: The episode delves into Karen Thomson‘s personal journey of overcoming addiction and her experience with eating disorders, highlighting the challenges and triumphs of her recovery. Holistic Wellness: Karen discusses the importance of a holistic approach to wellness, emphasizing the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as […]
Podcast Episode 170: How To Rethink Launching A Nutrition Program Inside A CrossFit Gym
In this episode, Nicole Aucoin explores the essential parallels between running a gym and establishing a successful nutrition coaching program. She underscores the importance of adopting a holistic approach to health, incorporating nutrition alongside exercise, stress management, mindset, sleep, and more to prevent and reverse chronic diseases. Nicole offers valuable insights on repositioning nutrition challenges […]
3 Ways Gym Owners Can Double Their Nutrition Business Income By Hiring A Nutrition Coach
Are you a gym owner running a nutrition coaching program in your gym? If so, this article is for you! We are going to talk about three ways you can double your nutrition business income by hiring a nutrition coach for your nutrition coaching program. Every year at Healthy Steps Nutrition, and HSN Mentoring, we […]
Podcast Episode 169: CrossFit Affiliate Support With Don Faul, CrossFit CEO
In this episode, we dive deep into a captivating conversation with Don Faul, the CEO of CrossFit, as he unveils the future plans and strategies that will shape the CrossFit community. The discussion touches upon several pivotal themes, including streamlined communication, collaboration, and community-building efforts, and the importance of storytelling and partnerships in reaching new […]
2 BIG Reasons Gym Member Goal Setting Sessions Can Help Your Nutrition Business
What are gym member goal setting sessions (sometimes called member checkins), and how can they help your gym and nutrition business? As gym owners and nutrition coaches we hear it all! “I want to lose 50lbs”, “If I could just get a strict pull up my life would be complete”. All these client goals are […]
Podcast Episode 168: Top Questions {Answered} From Gym Owners On How To Build Nutrition Programs In Their Gym
In this episode, common questions surrounding nutrition coaching programs are addressed. Nicole delves into topics such as paying nutrition coaches, finding the right fit for coaching roles, transitioning from free to paid challenges, engaging existing gym members in nutrition, understanding legal boundaries, attending live events, and her personal leadership strategies. Top Questions Answered includes: How […]
5 Tips For Gym Owners To Support The Nutrition Coaching Program In Their Gym
Are you a gym owner that offers a nutrition coaching program in your gym? If so – this article is for you! Healthy Steps Nutrition has helped hundreds of gym owners run nutrition coaching programs in their gyms. We see what the most successful gyms are doing, vs. what the gyms that are not so […]