The Missing Piece in Every Nutrition Challenge

Now is the time to be running a nutrition challenge. People are excited to lose weight and are seeking guidance to do so.  The problem is most people stop making nutrition a priority and go back to old habits at the end of a nutrition challenge.  It shouldn’t have to be that way. Gym owners […]

Dietitian vs Nutritionist — What’s the Difference?

Before diving into the differences, I want to make a disclaimer. There are awesome “nutritionists” practicing and there are not-so-great Registered Dietitians out there practicing. Just like chiropractors, doctors, lawyers, and any other credentialed profession, you go to school to learn the science, complete the requirements to obtain a degree, start practicing and figure out […]

Grow Your Nutrition Business Podcast Episode 7: 5 Tips for Healthy Families

Some of my first clients at HSN were kids and teens. Parents frustrated because eating turns into a fight with their kids or parents of athletes looking to skyrocket their teens performance through nutrition. Ashley has worked with many kids over the years and has completely revamped our kids nutrition training course for nutrition coaches […]

3 Ways to Increase Engagement During Your Nutrition Challenge

It’s January! It’s the one time of year that the majority of gyms are talking about nutrition. The majority of gyms are planning to launch a nutrition challenge in January.  Challenges are a great way to kickstart your client’s journey to health, but they aren’t a long-term solution. They aren’t a solution at all.  The […]

4 Ways to Increase the Presence of Nutrition Programs at Your Facility

Imagine you are a new client walking in the door. Would you know that nutrition services are offered?    Here are 4 ways you can increase the presence of nutrition in your facility: 1. Make A Nutrition Board  A nutrition board will draw your client’s attention and highlight what you want them to be focusing […]