You are busy making critical decisions in your business and we want to help! I started hosting *MEMBERS ONLY* Daily Live Round Tables on Monday. The conversation has changed every day from maybe I will close to I’m being forced to close my gym and need a plan right this second. We’ve helped gyms map out a […]
Nutrition Laws and Coaching

Many gyms are moving their business online, which is great. We need to pivot and provide our clients with exceptional service if you want to keep your clients from pausing and dropping their memberships. CrossFit HSN HQ closed down on Monday, not one person asked to cancel or pause their gym membership. Why? We had […]
Coronavirus & Strategies You Need to Implement to Maintain Support In Your Gym
There have been lots of emails and questions lately from gym owners asking, “Coronavirus is here, what should I do?” No matter what your situation is, you are in the relationship business, and your members need to know that their concerns are heard, and you are there for them! I’m going to break this down […]
How to Build Hybrid Memberships In 3 Easy Steps
If you haven’t jumped on the hybrid memberships train, you need to because you are already missing out on massive amounts of business and revenue. If you aren’t sure what hybrid memberships are, here’s a quick recap. Hybrid memberships mean that you have packaged programs together to make it easy for your clients to enroll […]
The Missing Piece in Every Nutrition Challenge
Now is the time to be running a nutrition challenge. People are excited to lose weight and are seeking guidance to do so. The problem is most people stop making nutrition a priority and go back to old habits at the end of a nutrition challenge. It shouldn’t have to be that way. Gym owners […]
Dietitian vs Nutritionist — What’s the Difference?
Before diving into the differences, I want to make a disclaimer. There are awesome “nutritionists” practicing and there are not-so-great Registered Dietitians out there practicing. Just like chiropractors, doctors, lawyers, and any other credentialed profession, you go to school to learn the science, complete the requirements to obtain a degree, start practicing and figure out […]
Are You Missing The Boat? Why You Need To Offer Hybrid Memberships in Your Micro Gym.
Have you heard the buzz about hybrid memberships and are wondering what all the fuss is about? Today, I’m going to explain what hybrid memberships are and why you need to implement them into your business. Hybrid memberships are the most effective way to grow a nutrition program. Why? Because it’s easy for clients to […]
3 Ways to Increase Engagement During Your Nutrition Challenge
It’s January! It’s the one time of year that the majority of gyms are talking about nutrition. The majority of gyms are planning to launch a nutrition challenge in January. Challenges are a great way to kickstart your client’s journey to health, but they aren’t a long-term solution. They aren’t a solution at all. The […]